Why Raila Odinga lost to Ruto - Kabando

"I can tell you, the problem we have in Kenya is cronyism."

In Summary

• Kabando claimed this has been fuelled by the act of rewarding his family members with positions.

• He went on to question why people who were formerly friends of Raila are now drifting away from him. 

Former Mukurweini MP Kabando wa Kabando.
Former Mukurweini MP Kabando wa Kabando.
Image: FILE

Former Mukurwe-ini MP Kabando wa Kabando now claims that Azimio leader Raila Odinga is not the president of Kenya because of his actions.

Speaking on Wednesday, Kabando alleged that the Azimio leader is not the president because he has always antagonised the Luo community.

"Part of the reason why Raila is not President today is that he antagonises his own community, the Luo. The turnout among the Luo community in the 2022 elections was very despicable. The difference between Raila and Ruto was only 200,000 votes," he said on K24 on Wednesday.

Kabando claimed this has been fuelled by the act of rewarding his family members with positions.

"How selfless are we? When you get a position you go for your brother, your son, sister or daughter," Kabando posed.

"I can tell you, the problem we have in Kenya is cronyism."

He went on to question why people who were formerly friends of Raila are now drifting away from him. 

Despite being in the Opposition Kabando has never shied away from criticising President William Ruto and Azimio leader Raila Odinga.

In last year's elections, Kabando vied for the Nyeri senatorial seat on a Narc Kenya party ticket.

The party was allied to the Azimio coalition. 

After the election, he announced that he had resolved to support Ruto but insisted that he will not support him blindly.

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