I’m seeking answers why you put sufurias on heads – Ruto

Ruto questioned how wearing metallic cooking pots on head, will help lower the cost of living.

In Summary

• However, Azimio leader Raila Odinga has defended his call of protests saying there is nothing wrong with that.

• He said the only thing that is not right is police brutality during demonstrations.

President William Ruto addressing residents in Kiambu town on August 17, 2023
President William Ruto addressing residents in Kiambu town on August 17, 2023
Image: PCS

President William Ruto has said he is still seeking answers on why protesters wear sufurias on their heads during demonstrations.

Ruto questioned how wearing metallic cooking pots on the head will help lower the cost of living.

“I haven’t seen a plan from those who sometimes correct us. The only plan I have seen from them is to put sufurias on heads. I’m still asking myself how wearing sufurias on heads will reduce the cost of living. But I haven’t been told, I’m still waiting for answers,” Ruto said.

He was speaking in Kiambu County on Thursday where he joined worshippers at ACK St James Cathedral where he laid the foundation stone for the church.

He assured Kenyans that his regime has a plan to change the country and move it forward.

“We have a historic opportunity as a nation to change the destiny of Kenya. I want to assure Kenyans that we will do that with all hard work,” Ruto said.

However, Azimio leader Raila Odinga has defended his call for protests saying there is nothing wrong with that.

He said the only thing that is not right is police brutality during demonstrations.

Speaking on Thursday at the Devolution Conference, he responded to Uasin Gishu Governor Jonathan Bii's remarks, who said they had their maandamano in the farms, as the opposition was in the streets with sufurias on their heads.

Raila fired back at Bii's remarks noting that he should be aware that even the constitution is a result of the maandamano.

"I want to refer to what the Governor just said that they are expecting a bumper harvest because they did maandamano in the farms instead of the streets with sufurias on their head. I want to tell him that the katiba we have today is a product of maandamano," Raila said.

The Azimio leader further said that if maandamano can bring a solution to those affected by the Finland fiasco then it was okay.

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