Stop undermining dialogue talks, Sakaja tells Kenya Kwanza leaders

Said leaders should respect President William Ruto's decision to allow the talks.

In Summary
  • "I want to ask our UDA and Kenya Kwanza leaders to please allow the talks to go on instead of appearing to condition on what to do or what to allow"
  • He said all leaders should fully support the dialogue because it was only through peace that the country would remain on the path to development.
Johnson Sakaja and Uasin Gishu leaders speaking in Eldoret on August 27, 2023.
Johnson Sakaja and Uasin Gishu leaders speaking in Eldoret on August 27, 2023.

Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja has urged the Kenya Kwanza leaders to stop undermining the ongoing bi-partisan talks between the Opposition and the government.

Sakaja said the Kenya Kwanza leaders should respect President William Ruto's decision to allow the talks between the two groups.

"I want to ask our UDA and Kenya Kwanza leaders to please allow the talks to go on instead of appearing to condition on what to do or what to allow", said Sakaja.

The Nairobi county boss was speaking in Eldoret at the celebrations to mark 120 years of the Reformed Church of East Africa

He said the president was an intelligent person who knows what he was doing and it was not possible for him to mislead the country.

"President Ruto is an intelligent person and he knows what he's doing. He is the only one in charge and knows what this country needs", said Sakaja.

He said all leaders should fully support the dialogue because it was only through peace that the country would remain on the path to development.

Sakaja said he fully supported the talks and that as governor of Nairobi, he would not accept the return of demonstrations by the opposition.

Sakaja said the talks would give chance to Kenyans to enjoy peace and development adding that Kenya was a collapsing country but within a short time, Ruto had managed to the country's economy back on track.

"Kenya was a living a lie with an unrealistic budget but what Ruto has done has not been an easy job. It's only through prayers that he will continue to serve this country well", said Sakaja.

He said the president had faced stumbling blocks in his quest to lead but God and the support of Kenyans made it possible. 

"Considering what the President went through, it was not humanly possible to win the last elections but through prayers he made it."

Sakaja said he had also faced a lot of challenges during the last elections.

"They even claimed that I only went to school up to class two but through God, I made it," said Sakaja.

Also in attendance included Uasin Gishu Governor Jonathan Bii, Senator Jackson Mandago, Turkana Senator John Lomenen and several MPs.

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