EACC to initiate systems audit at NHIF on Thursday

The anti-graft agency says the scrutiny is aimed at sealing graft loopholes.

In Summary

• The anti-graft agency said the audit will cover the fund's systems, policies and operations to identify and expose systemic faults and weaknesses.

• "The audit exercise is a corruption prevention measure that does not in any way prejudice the ongoing investigations at the state agency," EACC said.

NHIF headquarters in Nairobi.
NHIF headquarters in Nairobi.
Image: FILE

The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission says it will initiate a systems audit at the National Health Insurance Fund on Thursday to seal graft loopholes.

The anti-graft agency said on Wednesday the audit will cover the fund's systems, policies and operations to identify and expose systemic faults and weaknesses conducive to corruption and unethical practices.

"The findings of the audit exercise will guide various reform actions including addressing current accountability deficits in the management of public resources under the care and control of NHIF," the agency said.

EACC is mandated to undertake such system reviews in public bodies either on its own motion or at the invitation of the concerned entity.

The Commission said the scrutiny will be launched at 8am at the NHIF Boardroom.

"The audit exercise is a corruption prevention measure that does not in any way prejudice the ongoing investigations at the state agency," EACC said.

NHIF is currently being probed by the National Assembly Departmental Committee on Health over alleged collusion with private healthcare facilities to defraud the national insurer.

It is alleged that senior officials at NHIF team up with unscrupulous hospitals to defraud the fund through unverified medical claims.

The 15-member committee chaired by Endebess MP Robert Pukose is also probing alleged preferential treatment given to privately owned healthcare facilities at the expense of public health institutions.

"We cannot turn a blind eye to the misappropriation of public resources within NHIF. The only path to uncover the truth behind the NHIF crisis is through a public inquiry," Pukose said on June 27.

On July 10, Health CS Susan Nakhumicha said she had received a preliminary report from the NHIF board on the fraudulent dealings.

"I am now waiting for the final report which is going to take a little bit of time because now they must go back and do clinical investigations," the CS said.

The new developments come amid proposals by the Cabinet to split the NHIF into three models of funding.

The Cabinet sitting at the Kakamega State Lodge on Tuesday said the split will accelerate Kenya’s attainment of Universal Health Coverage (UHC).

They want NHIF to have a Primary Healthcare Fund, Social Health Insurance Fund and Emergency, Chronic and Critical Illness Fund.

The Cabinet meeting was chaired by President William Ruto.

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