How Kadhis' Courts performed in FY 2022-23 – CJ Koome

Courts resolved 11,526 against 11,850 cases in financial year 2022-23.

In Summary
  • Out of 47 Kadhis' Court stations, Koome said, 16 of them had CCR of over 100 percent.
  • "The Kadhis’ Court attained a Case Clearance Rate (CCR) of 97pc in the last Financial Year 2022/2023," she said.
Chief Justice Martha Koome during a virtual meeting with Kadhis' Courts across the country on September 26, 2023.
Chief Justice Martha Koome during a virtual meeting with Kadhis' Courts across the country on September 26, 2023.

Chief Justice Martha Koome has revealed that in the last financial year, the Case Clearance Rate (CCR) at the Kadhis' Courts was at 97 per cent.

The CCR is calculated by dividing the number of crimes that are cleared - a charge being laid-by the total number of crimes recorded.

She said during the Financial Year 2022-23, the courts had resolved 11,526 cases against 11,850 cases that were filed.

"The Kadhis’ Court attained a Case Clearance Rate (CCR) of 97pc in the last Financial Year 2022/2023," she said.

Out of 47 Kadhis' Court stations, Koome said, 16 of them had CCR of over 100 percent.

The highest CCR was recorded in Kadhis' Courts in Isiolo, Kitui, and Nairobi which had a rate of 132 per cent, 114 per cent and 111p per cent respectively.

Koome outlined the above following a consultative meeting with the Kadhis' Courts from across the country on Tuesday afternoon, where they discussed ways in which they can improve service delivery.

The meeting came shortly after her recent court visits in marginalised parts of the country, particularly Mandera County.

She noted the meeting will enable the justice sector to forge ahead with a shared vision, following the recent appointment and assumption of office by Athman Abdulhalim, as the Chief Kadhi.

"Under the Social Transformation through Access to Justice (STAJ) vision, the efficiency of the courts is a key outcome and I am pleased that the Chief Kadhi has also prioritised the efficiency of the Kadhis’ Court," Koome said.

At the close of the last financial year, the Kadhis' Court had 3,482 pending cases with 651  being more than a year old.

Out of those, Koome further revealed, 321 cases have been pending for more than three years.

She urged the Kadhis' Courts to come up with a Rapid Results Initiative (RRI) that will ensure the said pending cases are heard and determined by December 2023.

In the same financial year, the adjournment rate at the Kadhis’ Court was at 7 per cent of scheduled cases.

"I urge strict adherence to, and enforcement of the ‘no adjournment policy’," Koome said.

She noted that the Kadhis’ Courts are family courts, given the nature of disputes handled.

Considering this, the CJ said they are a key ingredient for social transformation as they are crucial players in the realisation of peaceful co-existence within family units and the community.

She assured that the judiciary and the Judicial Service Commission will support the courts in their duties.

"The leadership of Kenya judiciary and JSC will support the Office of the Chief Kadhi in order to ensure it has the resources to enable it to discharge its mandate effectively," Koome said.

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