How Jubilee was mistreated in Azimio – Sabina Chege

"We felt abandoned and like orphans within the Azimio coalition."

In Summary
  • She said ODM and Wiper were favoured in the coalition because their leaders sat on the decision-making table of the coalition.
  • Sabina said Jubilee was in a place where it did not belong and was not wanted and it felt like there was sibling rivalry.
Adan Keynan Wehliye, EALA MP Kanini Kega and Nominated MP and Interim Jubilee party leader Sabina Chege at Bomas for the National Dialogue Committee talks on September 27, 2023.
Adan Keynan Wehliye, EALA MP Kanini Kega and Nominated MP and Interim Jubilee party leader Sabina Chege at Bomas for the National Dialogue Committee talks on September 27, 2023.

Nominated MP Sabina Chege has opened up on how the Jubilee party members felt disrespected within the Azimio la Umoja coalition, soon after the 2022 general election.

Speaking on TV47, Chege who is the acting Jubilee party leader said the other coalition parties went against their initial agreement in terms of sharing decision-making positions in the National Assembly.

"We're meant to have a coalition, the coalition was meant to have commissioners from every political party from ODM,  Jubilee and Wiper. Wiper got their Commissioner, ODM got two and we didn't get either. In the allocation of positions in the National Assembly, the ones that go to the minority party, we were meant to have at least two chairmen and four vice chairmen, but we only go to one chairman, no vice," Sabina said.

"We didn't even have our representative as Jubilee at the Budget Committee. No, those important committees where decisions are made. And so we kept on pushing and asking we need to have a sitting as the elected members of parliament but I think he was tired."

The nominated MP added Jubilee members felt like orphans within the Azimio coalition.

She said ODM and Wiper were favoured in the coalition because their leaders sat on the decision-making table of the coalition and since their leader was not they felt unwanted.

Sabina said Jubilee was in a place where it did not belong and was not wanted and it felt like there was sibling rivalry, hence their decision to walk out of the Opposition coalition.

"The luckiest bit of a party like the one that Kalonzo leads, which is Wiper is that he's part of the decision making and so when the decisions are being made, Wiper seems to be a bigger party than ourselves because Kalonzo is active," she said.

"So the other person who is our president kept off so every other position favoured either ODM or Wiper and we felt that we were abandoned."

Sabina Chege blamed all on the coalition losing the majority in the National Assembly.

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