Raila heaps praises on Kalonzo, hints at backing him in 2027

"Tutasimama kidete na ndugu Kalonzo Musyoka, yeye ni mwaminifu."

In Summary
  • Raila slammed President William Ruto for saying that he is ready to face Kalonzo in the 2027 presidential general election.
  • He said that anyone in Azimio, him included can contest for presidency and he is ready to stand with Kalonzo.
Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka, Siaya Senator Oburu Odinga and Azimio leader Raila Odinga during Oburu's birthday party at Jaramogo Oginga Odinga University in Bondo on October 15, 2023.
Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka, Siaya Senator Oburu Odinga and Azimio leader Raila Odinga during Oburu's birthday party at Jaramogo Oginga Odinga University in Bondo on October 15, 2023.

Azimio leader Raila Odinga has showered Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka with praises for standing with him in his political journey.

Raila said Kalonzo has stood firm with him despite not being selected as his running mate in the August 9 presidential elections.

"Huyu Jamaa ana moyo, ukakamavu, jamaa ni mtu ambaye unaweza kumuamini na Mkistro. Ana tabia ya uungwana na upendo kabisa," he said.

(Kalonzo has a good heart, hardworking and one you can trust, he is also a Christian. He is trustworthy and loving)

Raila was speaking on Sunday during the 80th birthday party of his elder brother Oburu Odinga at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University in Bondo.

The Azimio leader slammed President William Ruto for saying that he is ready to face Kalonzo in the 2027 presidential general election.

He said that anyone in Azimio, him included, can contest for presidency and he is ready to stand with Kalonzo.

"Juzi nilisiskia Ruto anasema 'najua Baba hatasimama'. Sasa mimi nitakuwa na saa ya Kalonzo tu. Anaongea juu ya Kalonzo ni kama Kalonzo ni kama yeye. Kalonzo ameshinda Ruto mara kumi. Anataka kutugawanya sisi sijui Baba na Kalonzo, Baba hatasimama," Raila said.

(The other day, I heard President Ruto saying that he knows I will not contest and he is ready for Kalonzo. He talks about Kalonzo as if he is Kalonzo. Kalonzo is ten times better than him, he only wants to pit us against each other)

"Miongoni mwetu hapa mtu atasimama. Tutasimama kidete na ndugu Kalonzo Musyoka, yeye ni mwaminifu."

(Someone among us must contest. We shall stand firm with Kalonzo Musyoka)

The Azimio boss revealed that Oburu saw it fit to invite Kalonzo as the guest of honour during his birthday party.

Raila wished Oburu well and said he will cherish the memories they have made over the years.

"Oburu, my beloved brother, I wish you a very happy 80th birthday! We've been through a lot together over the years, and you've always been there for me. May God continue to bless you," Raila said.

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