Ex-MP: Mwangaza might survive ouster due to her popularity

Members of the Meru County Assembly impeached the governor in a motion held on Wednesday.

In Summary
  • The ex-legislator said Mwangaza's situation has a lot of factors that could surely work in her favor.
  • Attempts by Governor Mwangaza's defense team to vindicate her from the blame fell through as the MCAs went on to eject her from office.

Nambale MP John Bunyasi in Madende on Monday / JANE CHEROTICH
Nambale MP John Bunyasi in Madende on Monday / JANE CHEROTICH

Former Nambale Member of Parliament Bunyasi Sakwa has backed Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza after she was impeached on Wednesday.

Speaking on the KTN TV morning show on Thursday, the ex-legislator said Mwangaza's situation has a lot of factors that could surely work in her favor.

He said despite his limited knowledge about the people of Meru, one thing that is certain is that Mwangaza has the support of the people and believes they trust her more than they trust the county assembly.

“Mwangaza will save herself, it is perceived that she is popular on the ground and she may be very popular with the people,” Sakwa said.

He further pointed to what he claimed as a weapon that women often use in what he termed as the 'woman card' that usually scares men from confronting them since they use that to allege that they are being attacked because of their gender.

Members of the Meru County Assembly impeached the governor in a motion held on Wednesday.

A total of 59 Members of the County Assembly(MCA), all of whom were at the Assembly, out of the total 69 voted in support of the impeachment motion.

This was the second time the governor was impeached by the Meru Assembly after the first attempt last year failed at the Senate Assembly.

Attempts by Governor Mwangaza's defense team to vindicate her from the blame fell through as the MCAs went on to eject her from office.

The MCAs accused her of misappropriation and misuse of county resources among other alleged accusations.

They claimed the governor has been among others, misusing county funds.

They accused the Meru governor of making withdrawals of county funds under the guise of payment for various supplies that were made by her relatives.

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