Senate video was edited - MP Mpuru says, demands apology from Mwangaza

He said that he will file a statement at the DCI for an alleged defamation.

In Summary
  • The MP denied uttering sexist remarks against Governor Kawira Mwangaza.
  • Video played at the Senate during the impeachment trial of Governor Mwangaza depicted MP Aburi making unprintable remarks.
Tigania East MP Mpuru Aburi.
Tigania East MP Mpuru Aburi.
Image: FILE

Tigania East MP Mpuru Aburi has claimed that the video used in the Senate during Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza's impeachment trial was doctored to suit her interests.

Speaking for the first time after being subjected to criticisms from a section of Kenyans over the Video, the MP denied making the remarks heard in the video.

In a video played in the Senate, MP Aburi was heard uttering unprintable words in the Meru language, apparently targeting Governor Mwangaza.

The remarks went viral on social media drawing emotions among Kenyans and civil society organisations who demanded legal consequences against the MP.

However, on Friday the MP came out to defend himself saying the video was edited.

MP Aburi now says he will file a statement at the Directorate of Criminal Investigations for alleged defamation. 

"Mimi Mpuru Aburi nina imani na kina mama, na sahizi naenda kwa DCI kuandika statement kuhusu defamation  ambayo imefanyika kwa Senate yetu ya Kenya. Ile video ilionyeshwana katika bunge ilikuwa edited. Ile maneno yote niliongea niko nayo kwa simu yangu," he said.

(I have faith in women and I will file a statement at the DCI for defamation over what happened at the Senate. The video played at the Senate was edited. I have the full account of the real remarks I made in my phone.)

The legislature said that as a parent, he can't utter such words because he has daughters and daughter-in-laws.

He demanded an apology from Governor Mwangaza claiming that she edited the video to suit her interest.

The alleged remarks by MP Aburi attracted massive condemnation in the senate with analysts saying it was part of the reason that Mwanagza was saved.

The said video that was played in the Senate saw Mwangaza moved to tears as she was being cross-examined by her lawyer.

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