Stern action is being taken, CS Mutua says on Diani hotel attack

"This behaviour by receivers and auctioneers against hotels and restaurants will not be tolerated."

In Summary

• CCTV footage shared online shows tens of people arriving at the main gate of Pinewood Beach Resort in Diani in three matatus and briefly engaging the security.

• After a while, the situation escalates and the intruders and seen forcibly attempting to gain entry as the security men attempt to ward them off using crude items.

Tourism CS Alfred Mutua.
Tourism CS Alfred Mutua.

Tourism and Wildlife Cabinet Secretary Alfred Mutua says the ministry has initiated stern action following an attack at Pinewood Beach Resort and Spa in Diani.

In a statement on Monday, the CS said the perpetrators of the crime that left guests and staff with injuries were auctioneers.

"I have noted with concern the violence at Pinewood Beach Resort by hired goons. This behaviour by receivers and auctioneers against hotels and restaurants will not be tolerated," he said.

"Stern action is being taken. Upholding of the law and civility are key to encourage and not deter visitors."

CCTV footage shared online shows tens of people arriving at the main gate of the beach resort in three matatus and briefly engaging the security.

After a while, the situation escalates and the intruders are seen forcibly attempting to gain entry as the security men attempt to ward them off using all manner of crude items and parking a Land Rover at the gate.

Cooks are seen joining in and attempting to assist the security men to scare away the attackers but the group responds by hurling stones at them.

In the video, the goons are captured on camera while inside the hotel establishment chasing after employees.

At one point, a group of four attackers are seen confronting a staff member before descending on him with clubs haphazardly. 

He is hit severely, robbed and left lying on the pavement writhing in pain.

Different CCTV footage captures the intruders attacking guests at the pool area, breakfast dining area and the beach site.

Guests are at some point seen rescuing the injured staff and administering first aid to them.

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