KMJA slams court official over attacks on Judiciary

KMJA President said they will not be shaken by the attacks.

In Summary
  • KJMA President Stephen Radido said the association will not hesitate to take proactive steps against those engaging in the allegations.
  • He said the attacks appear to be systematically planned, executed and unconscionably amplified and popularised by leaders of a certain persuasion.
Justice Stephen Radido.
Justice Stephen Radido.
Image: FILE

The Magistrates and Judges Association has condemned one of their own for joining the bandwagon bashing the judiciary over alleged corruption.

In a statement on Thursday, KJMA President Stephen Radido said the association will not hesitate to take proactive steps against those engaging in the allegations.

He said this will include but not be limited to applying for contempt of court orders against the person intent on the campaigns whose purpose he said was to defeat the sovereign will of the people as delegated to the judiciary.

"It is disheartening that one of those involved in the targeted campaigns to malign the judiciary and judges is an officer of the Court who ought to know the protocols and courtesies concerning public utterances on live cases under litigation," he said.

Radido also condemned politicians who have continued to attack the judiciary, individual judges and magistrates even after the meeting between President William Ruto and Chief Justice Martha Koome.

He said the attacks appear to be systematically planned, executed unconscionably and amplified and popularised by leaders of a certain persuasion.

He regretted that they incited and advocated for the disobedience of Court orders.

Warning politicians who have made dishonourable and disparaging remarks against the judiciary and judges, Radido said they need to realise that the offices they hold are in trust for the citizens.

Owing to the aforesaid, he said the elected politicians must at all times conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the dignity and oath of office expected of state and public office.

He further noted that the judiciary as collective and individual judges have constitutionally guaranteed rights and responsibilities which they will not neglect to exercise, in defence of the Constitution.

The KMJA President urged the politicians to respect the Constitution by recognising and appreciating the independence of the Judiciary, individual Judges and Magistrates.

"Refrain from reckless comments and conduct whose ultimate effect would lead to a brick-by-brick crumbling of our institutions as a country and inevitably ushering a state of anarchy and lawlessness within the general populace," he added.

Radido assured that the institution will remain firm.

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