My work isn't just sitting in office! Murkomen fires back at Malala

Murkomen said he will not relent on his frequent visits to counties to listen to citizen concerns.

In Summary
  • On Wednesday, Malala called out Murkomen and his Public Service counterpart Moses Kuria over alleged involvement in politics.
  • Malala went on to say that should the CSs feel the need to engage in politics actively, they should resign from the public offices they hold.
Transport CS Kipchumba Murkomen speaks at Kijabe during a tour to inspect the damaged sections of meter gauge railway line, May 31, 2024.
Transport CS Kipchumba Murkomen speaks at Kijabe during a tour to inspect the damaged sections of meter gauge railway line, May 31, 2024.

Transport Cabinet Secretary Kipchumba Murkomen has stated firmly that he will not allow anyone to dictate how he should perform his duties.

Murkomen emphasised his understanding of his role asserting that he does not require any reminders or instructions on how to execute it.

"Kuna wengine wananiambia ati nikae huko kwa ofisi tu, ati nikae kwa kiti niitwe waziri na nisipatikane nikitembea na wabunge," he said.

(There are some who wants me to continue sitting in office and only be called the CS and that I should not be seen in the company of elected leaders)

Murkomen spoke on Friday in Kijabe during a tour to inspect the damaged sections of the meter gauge railway line.

On Wednesday, UDA secreatry general Cleophas Malala called out Murkomen and his Public Service counterpart Moses Kuria over alleged involvement in politics.

"It has come to my attention that some Cabinet secretaries have been involving themselves in political activities, contrary to the law which requires them to remain apolitical," he said.

Malala went on to say that should the CSs feel the need to engage in politics actively, they should resign from the public offices they hold.

"Similarly, Kipchumba Murkomen, Cabinet secretary for Roads and Transport, your focus should be on addressing the pressing issues in your ministry, particularly the reclamation of roads damaged by recent floods. Serve the Kenyan people or step down from your position and return to politics," Malala added.

Murkomen said he will not relent on his frequent visits to the counties to meet the people and listen to their concerns.

Stressing the importance of such active engagement with the public, the CS pointed out that it has allowed him to better understand and address the challenges faced by the citizens.

"Kama waziri wenu wa barabara nitaendelea kutembelea nyinyi mashinani ndiyo nijue mashida mtaendelea kuniona zaidi," he added.

(As your CS for roads I will continue visiting the people and you will even be seeing me more often)

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