Cops probe murder of Lamu village elder, 70, shot dead in his house

Neighbours reported having heard a loud gunshot from the direction of his home that evening

In Summary
  • Fredrick Ngugi,70,a Nyumba Kumi official was shot dead by a gang of men who raided his homestead at Malamande village in Hindi division
  • Villagers have linked the killing to terrorism
Crime scene.
CRIME: Crime scene.
Image: THE STAR:

Police in Lamu are investigating the murder of a village administrator by unknown gunmen on Sunday night.

Fredrick Ngugi, 70, a Nyumba Kumi official was shot dead by a gang of men who raided his homestead at Malamande village in Hindi division of Lamu county at around 7.30pm.

Neighbours reported having heard a loud gunshot from the direction of his home that evening, but were unable to go out owing to the security situation in the area.

The following morning, they were however met with the horrible sight of the deceased lying in a pool of blood.

“I heard the shot at around 7.30pm and dared not go out but it was clearly from his home. We rushed there in the morning and found him dead. He had been shot on the forehead,” Waithira Mwangi said.

Villagers have linked the killing to terrorism.

Amos Kathengi, also a neighbour, said based on what Lamu has witnessed in previous years, it is clear that Al Shabaab insurgents and sympathisers have resurfaced. 

“Around here, the only people known to have guns are security officers and the terrorists. Since we know it can’t be the officers, then it can only be the terrorists who want to scare us away,” he said.

The incident has heightened tension, with residents asking why the state has not stopped the killing of innocent citizens in Lamu villages.

“That a gang can walk into a homestead at 7pm, shoot an old man dead and walk away is extremely unsettling. What more can such people do? We have slept in bushes because of such incidents before,” Lucy Wangare said.

The incident was confirmed by Lamu Acting county commissioner Charles Kitheka.

He however dismissed claims that the killing was terror-related.

“This is a murder incident and investigations are already ongoing to nab the perpetrator. It’s not terrorism,” Kitheka said.

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