I know my job! DP Gachagua tells off critics

Gachagua said some of the leaders have questioned his loyalty to President Ruto.

In Summary
  • The DP said a section of leaders have looked down upon him and cast aspersions on his position as Ruto's principal assistant.
  • He asked his critics not to seek to cause confusion in government but instead help the President fulfil his campaign promises.
Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua speaking at Kagio town in Kirinyaga county on June 15, 2024.
Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua speaking at Kagio town in Kirinyaga county on June 15, 2024.
Image: DPCS

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has assured Kenyans of his support for President William Ruto.

The DP said a section of leaders have looked down upon him and cast aspersions on his position as Ruto's principal assistant.

Gachagua told off leaders questioning his loyalty to the Head of State saying he understands his job well and will ensure he has delivered on his constitutional mandate.

"Today, we are now seeing some of those who were not with the president lecturing us about loyalty to the president when we suffered to stand with President William Ruto when he needed us to stand with him," he said.

"I know my job, an MP or a CS can't supervise a deputy president. If you want to be a deputy president go and look for President William Ruto who is the one who gives out that job when the day comes but for now just do your job, let me me do my job."

The DP was speaking on Saturday in Kutus, Kirinyaga county, where he had attedned the Orphans Empowerment Programme.

"On my way, I had a moment of interacting with the people of Kirinyaga county at Kagio town. Indeed, people-centred leadership involves cizitens via engagement," he said.

Gachagua was accomponied by a host of elected leaders drawn from all parts of the country. 

He asked his critics not to seek to cause confusion in government but instead help the President fulfil his campaign promises.

"To our leaders, please let us be united and not fall to propaganda. Let us do our jobs. Cabinet Secretaries should also focus on their work," he said.

"The unity of this region is non-negotiable. Leaders may be divided in opinion but I listen to what the residents say, they are united," the DP added.

He said leaders in Parliament should focus on the workload they have and diligently serve Kenyans.

Gachagua added that he is focused on what he believes in and no one can intimidate him.

"I'm moved by conviction, I'm convinced that I need as the leader of this region, to unite the people of the mountain behind our president and no amount of noise can distract me," he said.

The DP said residents should ignore the critics and asked leaders not to respond to them as well.

"We are not distracted we are focused, we know where we have come from, where we are and where we are going," he said.

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