MDG in charm offensive to take over ANC support base in Vihiga

Both Ford-K and ANC have been unable to topple ODM’s popularity in Western, which Ochieng’s party wants to do

In Summary
  • MDG conducted grassroots elections in Busia, Bungoma, Trans Nzoia, Kakamega and Vihiga
  • The party hopes to dislodge ODM and rival Ford-K in Western 
Ugenya MP and MDG party leader, David Ochieng, addressing locals in Vihiga sub-county, Vihiga on Monday after grassroot elections.
Ugenya MP and MDG party leader, David Ochieng, addressing locals in Vihiga sub-county, Vihiga on Monday after grassroot elections.

The Movement for Democracy and Growth party has ramped up activities in Vihiga, in a bid to increase its visibility ahead of the next general election. 

MDG conducted grassroots elections in Busia, Bungoma, Trans Nzoia, Kakamega and Vihiga that concluded on Monday. 

The party, led by Ugenya MP David Ochieng is keen on inheriting the Amani National Congress' support base, after its leaders announced it would be folding to join President William Ruto's UDA.

MDG also hopes to dislodge Raila Odinga’s ODM, which has enjoyed support within the region for over a decade.

ODM has experienced infighting from politicians seeking to succeed Raila at the helm of the party, should his bid for the African Union Commission job go through. 

The party is also positioning itself to rival Moses Wetangula's Ford Kenya, which also commands a following in the Western region. 

Ford-K appears to be focused on strengthening itself and it remains unclear whether the Speaker's party will merge with Kenya Kwanza, or not.

Both Ford-K and ANC have been unable to topple ODM's popularity in Western. MDG hopes to succeed where Ford-K and ANC have failed. 

While addressing locals within Vihiga county, Ochieng’ hinted he would vie for presidency in 2027.

The MP said his party will consider all people and their interests while joining MDG.

“Why I choose to face President William Ruto on the ballot come 2027 is due to poor distribution of resources across the country,” Ochieng said.

“Corruption is the major reason for imbalance in distribution of development and tribalism perpetrated by incompetent leadership,” he added.

MDG party leader and MP for Ugenya holds maize in his hands as the party symbol while in Vihiga county
MDG party leader and MP for Ugenya holds maize in his hands as the party symbol while in Vihiga county

The MDG party leader said there is no equity in the distribution of national resources countrywide, yet it is the government's responsibility to ensure every part of this country gets an equal share of resources and development.

The Ugenya lawmaker said Western is second in terms of population, but the region strains in terms of development. 

This convinced him to start the journey of transforming the region.

“The journey to free Kenya has just started. It's for those willing to forego their comfort to ensure things change for the better,” Ochieng' said.

The country is at a crossroads and the level of poverty has increased because not much energy and resources have been put where it matters most, he added. 

MDG's heightened activities come at a time when heavyweights from the Western region have faced criticism for allegedly failing to push for development in the region.

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi and Wetang’ula have faced backlash for the poor development scorecard in Luyhaland, despite holding plum positions in the Kenya Kwanza government.

A section of MDG members after electing party delegates.
A section of MDG members after electing party delegates.
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