Protesters barricade roads, extort motorists in Machakos

The group engaged security officers in running battles for the better part of the day.

In Summary
  • The demonstrators swiftly moved into action by lighting bonfires using old tyres and blocked them using stones and twigs.
  • They split into groups and moved while occupying both sides of the road.
Youths light born fire after barricading Machakos - Wote road in Machakos County on June 27, 2024.
Youths light born fire after barricading Machakos - Wote road in Machakos County on June 27, 2024.

Youthful protesters on Thursday barricaded various roads during the anti-Finance Bill demonstrations in Machakos county.

The demonstrators swiftly moved into action by lighting bonfires using old tyres and blocked them using stones and twigs.

The group engaged security officers in running battles for the better part of the day.

However, there was normalcy in most parts of the county including Machakos town until the protests erupted a few minutes to 2pm.

Protesters extorted innocent motorists and public service vehicles plying the Machakos-Kitui route after barricading it near the Machakos bus park, around Machakos Girls High School and about three kilometers from Machakos town.

The protesters split into groups and moved while occupying both sides of the road.

They forced motorists to stop whenever they got to the barricaded sections of the road, ordered them to lower windows of their vehicles and demanded money before removing stones blocking the road.

Most motorists obliged without a fight and gave the protesters cash.

Locals engage in anti Finance Bill 2024 protests in Machakos town on June 27, 2024.
Locals engage in anti Finance Bill 2024 protests in Machakos town on June 27, 2024.

The extortion went on for more than two hours as police engaged other rioters who had barricaded other roads within the town and its environs.

Earlier in the morning, most towns within the county were calm with businesses operating normally.

Public service vehicles, traders, shops and most offices were operational including boda boda operators until the demonstrations erupted.

Businesses closed in haste when the youths took to the streets and engaged police officers who had strategically kept vigil in Machakos town, its environs and other parts of the county.

Police officers were at some point forced to eject some of the demonstrators from Machakos Level 5 hospital where they had sought refuge after being confronted by another team of officers along Machakos-Wote road where they had barricaded it using stones, twigs and bonfires.

The officers fired teargas canisters at the demonstrators as the group engaged them in a cat and mouse game within Machakos town.

Business came to a standstill as traders including employees of various establishments locked themselves inside their business premises.

Among the affected businesses was Quickmart Supermarket whose employees were released once the situation calmed.

Management later closed shop and released all the employees.

Police officers patrolling Machakos town before chaos erupted on June 27, 2024.
Police officers patrolling Machakos town before chaos erupted on June 27, 2024.
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