Clerics call for Gachagua's resignation over attack on Haji

Bishop Josephat Anusu and Sheikh Saidi Abdallah say the second-in-command demeaned his office.

In Summary
  • Sheikh Abdallah said MPs should initiate a process to remove the DP from office if he does not resign.
  • On Friday, a petition was filed at Milimani High Court seeking to compel the NCIC to investigate  Gachagua over the utterances he made against Haji.
A section of religious leaders led by Bishop Josephat Anusu address the media at Hotel Boulevard on June 30, 2024.
A section of religious leaders led by Bishop Josephat Anusu address the media at Hotel Boulevard on June 30, 2024.

A section of the clergy from Nairobi have called for the resignation of Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua over his "reckless" attack on the country's spy chief Noordin Haji.

The leaders described as unfortunate the Wednesday outburst of the Deputy President during a televised address from Mombasa.

In the presser, Gachagua accused the NIS chief of failing to appropriately carry out the role of his office.

The DP's critics have expressed concerns, their central question being why he chose the press instead of canvassing the issues at the National Security Council where he is a member.

Pressure continued to mount on the DP to take responsibility for the remarks. 

Addressing a press conference in Nairobi on Sunday, the leaders led by Bishop Josephat Anusu and Sheikh Saidi Abdallah demanded that the second-in-command resign for demeaning his office.

"The unfortunate utterances of the DP demean and undermine the sanctity and honour of the presidency and the government he serves," Anusu said.

"It is now untenable for the DP to continue serving as Deputy President and we therefore call on him to resign to do so."

Sheikh Abdallah said MPs should initiate a process to remove the DP from office if he does not resign.

"Failure to do so will compel us to demand for his impeachment," Abdallah said.

The leaders spoke in Nairobi days after Gachagua hit out at Haji accusing him of not advising President William Ruto on the reality on the ground.

He also called on Haji to resign terming the country's intelligence system dysfunctional.

"The DP must come out and clarify to the Kenyan public his knowledge of the individuals responsible for the violence that took over the otherwise peaceful protest of Generation Zand caused destruction," Anusu said.

Gachagua's outburst has received sustained condemnation from the religious and political class who have termed his remarks unnecessary.

On Friday, a petition was filed at Milimani High Court seeking to compel the NCIC to investigate  Gachagua over the utterances he made against Haji.

In the petition filed through lawyer Danstan Omari, activist Fredrick Bikeri wants NCIC and the EACC to investigate the conduct of the DP regarding the comments he made.

Bikeri wants the DP probed, saying the remarks by Gachagua "were untruthful, inciting and unlawful, and fall against the threshold expected of a Public Officer under the Articles 73 and 75 of the Constitution as read with the Leadership and Integrity Act".

"The 1st Respondent O(NCIC) has the prerogative and responsibility to investigate offences prescribed under the National Cohesion and Integration Act, including remarks which have the potent of creating discord, incitement to violence and advocacy to hatred against other public officers," Bikeri said.

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