In courts: MP Mbadi's case on KDF deployment set for directions

Wheels of Justice: Court cases lined up for today.

In Summary
  • Justice Bahati Mwamuye remitted the file to Justice Mugambi owing to the fact that there is a similar case he is handling over the said deployment.
  • She directed the matter be mentioned before Mugambi today for further directions.
In courts today
In courts today
Image: The Star

High Court judge Lawrence Mugambi is today morning expected to issue directions in a case in which MP John Mbadi and two others challenged the gazette notice allowing the deployment of military officers.

Justice Bahati Mwamuye remitted the file to Justice Mugambi because there is a similar case he is handling over the said deployment.

She directed the matter to be mentioned before Mugambi today for further directions.

Last week, Mugambi upheld a decision taken by CS Adan Duale to deploy military officers to quell protest chaos.

The Judge said the continuation of the military in assisting the police is necessary in view of the need to preserve peace and public safety and protect critical infrastructure.

He however said the terms, duration and areas of engagement must be clearly defined and gazetted within the next two days. This was complied with by the said Ministry.

The judge said that even though the intervention was justified, it was clear that the public had not been fully appraised of the extent of the military involvement.

Separately an Eldoret court is to rule on the bail application of 16 people charged with stealing goods, including alcohol, totalling Sh78 million, as well as malicious damage to property of Timba XO club, associated with Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi, valued at more than Sh80 million.

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