Nothing irregular! Kindiki says on plainclothes police during demos

"One does not become a police officer only if he is wearing uniform."

In Summary

• The CS explained that crowd control techniques are different from other policing activities, including crime prevention policing.

• Kindiki further noted that the protests revealed that there is high organised crime.

Interior Cabinet Secretary Prof Kithure Kindiki during an interview on Citizen TV on July 4, 2024.
Interior Cabinet Secretary Prof Kithure Kindiki during an interview on Citizen TV on July 4, 2024.
Image: MINA

Interior CS Kithure Kindiki has defended the police for using plain clothes during anti-Finance Bill demonstrations.

Speaking on Thursday, Kindiki said that one does not become a police officer because of the uniform.

He went on to say that there is also nothing irregular with the officers not having uniforms.

"We had police in uniform and other officers who were not in uniform and there is nothing irregular about that," Kindiki said.

"A police officer does not become a police officer only if he is wearing a uniform. He is a police officer because he is a police officer." 

The CS explained that crowd control techniques are different from other policing activities, including crime prevention policing.

He said this is due to the nature of the engagement involved.

Kindiki further noted that the protests have revealed that there is high organised crime.

"Crowd control policing techniques are very different because of the nature of the engagement. What we have witnessed in the past two weeks have told us that the organization of crime is quite high around opportunistic people who want to bring down the country," Kindiki said.

During the demos, some police officers were captured in plain clothes while carrying guns. Some could be seen launching teargas canisters against the protesters.

In other instances, the plainclothes officers would infiltrate the protesters and make arrests.

During the interview on Citizen TV, Kindiki appreciated the police for handling the situation well, despite the pressure.

He also commended them for exercising restraint while executing the duty to maintain peace and order during the protests.

"Our officers did their best in the circumstances, some of them got hurt, 43 of them. We commended them, those officers who did what they did within the law," he said.

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