Mist as Nairobi residents hit by chilly weather

According to Kenya Met, the weather pattern is expected to continue for some days.

In Summary
  • Along the streets, many were seen taking cover under umbrellas as others bravely walked in the chilly weather.
  • With a bit of drizzling, some residents were forced to cover themselves with shawls while others wore caps.
Chilly, misty weather as seen in parts of Thika road on July 18, 2024.
Chilly, misty weather as seen in parts of Thika road on July 18, 2024.

Nairobi residents have been hit by chilly weather with many forced to put on heavy jackets, scarfs and socks for warmth.

In the morning, the atmosphere in the City was characterised by mist.

Along the streets, many were seen taking cover under umbrellas as others bravely walked in the chilly weather.

With a bit of drizzling, some residents were forced to cover themselves with shawls while others wore caps.

In the offices, most people kept on sipping hot drinks, either tea, coffee or water, to moderate the temperature.

But this was not enough as the cold kept on creeping into their legs that were not entirely covered while seated.

"This weather is not for the faint-hearted. How can it be this cold?"  a colleague at the Radio Africa office quipped.

Kenya experiences cold weather from late June to August. 

According to the Kenya Meteorological Department, the chilly weather is expected to continue with rainfall over some parts of the Highlands East and West of the Rift Valley, the Central Rift Valley and North-western Kenya.

There will be intermittent cool and cloudy conditions over some parts of the Highlands East and West of the Rift Valley, the South-eastern lowlands and the Rift Valley.

Chilly, misty weather as seen in Westlands, Nairobi on July 18, 2024.
Chilly, misty weather as seen in Westlands, Nairobi on July 18, 2024.
Chilly, misty weather as seen in Westlands, Nairobi on July 18, 2024.
Chilly, misty weather as seen in Westlands, Nairobi on July 18, 2024.

According to the weather focus between July 18 to July 22, 2024, there will be rain over a few places in the morning hours.

This is in areas including the Highlands West of the Rift Valley, the Lake Victoria Basin, and the Rift Valley (Siaya, Kisumu, Homabay, Migori, Kisii, Nyamira, Trans Nzoia, Baringo, Uasin Gishu, Elgeyo-Marakwet, Nandi, Nakuru, Narok, Kericho, Bomet, Kakamega, Vihiga, Bungoma, Busia and West Pokot Counties).

In the afternoons there will be showers and thunderstorms over a few places, with showers over a few places at night.

In North-western (Turkana and Samburu Counties)there will be rain over several places, showers and thunderstorms over a few places on Friday.

On Friday, there will be sunny intervals and a chance of showers over a few places while on Saturday, there will be a chance of rain over a few places in the morning and, showers and thunderstorms over a few places in the afternoon.

On Sunday and Monday, there will be rains over a few places and showers and thunderstorms over a few places.

In other areas Highlands East of the Rift Valley[including Nairobi County](Nyandarua, Laikipia, Nyeri, Kirinyaga, Murang'a, Kiambu, Meru, Embu, Tharaka and Nairobi Counties) there will be cloudy mornings.

The afternoons will be characterised by showers over a few high-ground areas while on Friday and Saturday, the nights will be partially cloudy with a chance of showers over a few high-ground areas on Sunday and Monday.

Met said in parts of the northeastern (Marsabit, Mandera, Wajir, Garissa and Isiolo Counties), the mornings and afternoons will have sunny intervals with partly cloudy nights.

In parts of the South-eastern lowlands (Kitui, Makueni, Machakos, Kajiado and Taita Taveta Counties), Friday and Saturday will be mornings of cloudy breaking into sunny intervals

There will be mornings of sunny intervals on Sunday and Monday.

The afternoons will have sunny intervals while the nights will be partly cloudy.

In the Coast (Mombasa, Tana River, Kilifi, Lamu and Kwale Counties) the mornings and afternoons will have sunny intervals while the nights will be partly cloudy. 

Chilly, misty weather as seen in Westlands, Nairobi on July 18, 2024.
Chilly, misty weather as seen in Westlands, Nairobi on July 18, 2024.
Chilly, misty weather in Nairobi on July 18, 2024.
Chilly, misty weather in Nairobi on July 18, 2024.
Chilly, misty weather in Nairobi on July 18, 2024.
Chilly, misty weather in Nairobi on July 18, 2024.
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