CJ Koome commends ELRC for impressive case clearance rate

The court resolved 8014 cases as compared to 4210 cases filed in the last financial year.

In Summary
  • The ELRC had 6966 pending cases as of the end of June 2024, which is a reduction of 30% from 9896 cases that were within the system for over 3 years at the start of the financial year.
  • Koome had joined other members of the judicial system at Milimani Court grounds for the 2024 Court’s Open Day
Chief Justice Martha Koome at Milimani Law Courts grounds during the commemoration of 2024 Court's Open Day on July, 22, 2024
Chief Justice Martha Koome at Milimani Law Courts grounds during the commemoration of 2024 Court's Open Day on July, 22, 2024
Image: CJ Martha Koome/X

Chief Justice Martha Koome has commended the Employment and Labour Relations Court (ELRCfor recording 190% of the case clearance rate in the last financial year.

In a post on her X account, the Chief Justice said that the court resolved 8014 cases as compared to 4210 cases filed in the last financial year.

She has said that the ELRC had 6966 pending cases as of the end of June 2024, which is a reduction of 30% from 9896 cases that were in the system for over 3 years at the start of the financial year.

Additionally, Koome says that at the end of June this year, only 240 pending cases were in the system for over 3 years.

“The court is at the threshold of attaining our STAJ benchmark that no case should be before a trial court for more than 3 years,” she added.

This, she says, indicates that the court is dedicated and has effective strategies for case management.

Koome had joined other members of the judicial system at Milimani Court grounds for the 2024 Court’s Open Day.

Open Days, according to the Chief Justice, provide a platform for stakeholders within the judicial ecosystem to align their efforts and collaborate effectively.

"The Open Day offers an invaluable opportunity to learn about the work being done by the ELRC, share insights, and provide feedback, fostering a deeper understanding and stronger partnerships,” said Koome

The theme for this year’s Court’s Open Day is ‘ Stakeholder Involvement in case management for effective service delivery'.

The day offers an invaluable opportunity to learn about the work being done by ELRC, share insights provide insights and provide feedback, fostering a deeper understanding and stronger partnerships.

Chief Justice has added that the Judiciary is keenly following the national call for deeper and broader accountability in the judicial system.

“We are leading the charge against corruption through the NCAJ and encourage the public to continue exposing instances of bribery and corruption for firm resolution by the Judicial Service Commission,” the CJ said.

Chief Justice Martha Koome.
Chief Justice Martha Koome.
Chief Justice Martha Koome.
Chief Justice Martha Koome.
Chief Justice Martha Koome.
Chief Justice Martha Koome.
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