Mudavadi: Let's support Ruto take country back to normalcy

He called on Kenyans to shun actions that might plunge country into anarchy.

In Summary
  • Mudavadi said Kenya has gone through many difficult moments including the recent protests after the collapse of the Finance Bill.
  • He emphasised that patriotism should be the anchor towards realising a bette Kenya, noting that any form of disunity is recipe for ethnic and political divisions.
Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi.
Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi.
Image: FILE

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi has dismissed calls for alternative governance making rounds on social media platforms.

He condemned it as idle talk, saying Kenya is governed by a constitutional order and the rule of law must be adhered to all the time.

The Prime CS urged Kenyans to support President William Ruto’s call for unity in the country.

"I want to advise Kenyans to learn lessons from the breakdown and humanitarian crisis being witnessed in our neighboriung countries like Sudan and other African countries. People have been displaced, lives lost, property destroyed, children cannot access schools and the situation is deteriorating day and night," he said.

"When a section of people who do not value peace and nationhood come out with sentiments that connotate having military intervention, we wonder if they understand what democracy means and the power that the constitution gives Kenyans to democratically elect their leaders after every five years."

Mudavadi said Kenya has gone through many difficult moments including the recent protests after the collapse of the Finance Bill.

He urged Kenyans to give Ruto a chance to take the country back to normalcy.

Mudavadi called on Kenyans to shun any actions that might lead to constitutional disorder, unlawfulness that may plunge the country into anarchy.

"We should learn from the protests witnessed in the recent past as a wake-up call. By supporting a democratically elected government is the only way that will help us achieve stability and prosperity in our country," he noted.

Mudavadi emphasised that patriotism should be the anchor towards realising a better future for Kenya, noting that any form of disunity will be a recipe for ethnic and political divisions.

He said whenever differences of opinion arise, there should be proper mechanisms of resolving the issues at hand without necessarily resorting to unprecedented actions that affect most innocent livelihoods.

"We all want to see a better Kenya. We ought to rally behind the President for us to realise the transformation in our economy that will unlock the potential for the creation of jobs, expansion of industries, trade and investment among other development goals," the PCS said.

"We have to work towards making Kenya the greatest country that it ought to be by pulling together, reasoning together and looking for solutions that will help address our challenges as a country."

Mudavadi was speaking in Kwale county when he accompanied President William Ruto on his second day of the development tour of the coastal region.

The leaders commissioned various projects and launched additional ones including the launch of Jitume Digital Hub in Kinango Technical and Vocational College, the launch of Matuga Technical and Vocational College and the laying of foundation stone for Matuga affordable housing.

They also inspected the Kwale county aggregation and industrial park, laid the foundation stone for Diani modern market and the inspection of Kinondo Farmers Cooperative Society at Kinondo Ginnery.

"These initiatives are aimed at transforming Kwale county and the whole of coastal region. The President is determined to ensure no Kenyan and no region is left behind and we want to ask the people of Kwale and the Coast to take advantage of these projects in turning around the fortunes of these great region full of potential," Mudavadi said.

"This region is known for its potential in the tourism sector and some of these steps should be geared towards supporting tourism as one of the greatest contributors to the economic growth of our nation," he added.

On Sunday, the leaders are expected to attend an interdenominational prayer service in Mwatate, Taita Taveta county.

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