Three missing after landslide hits village in Baringo

Police said three homesteads were affected by the incident.

In Summary
  • There had been warnings in the area for locals to vacate from hilly places.
  • This follows the July 29 incident that happened on the Kasoiyo-Tenges-Saos tarmac road following a landslide at Borowonin area in Baringo County.
Cracks on the road cut off by rain in Eldama Ravine on July 29, 2024
Cracks on the road cut off by rain in Eldama Ravine on July 29, 2024

A family of three was Wednesday morning missing following a landslide that happened in Kapchebogel village in Kasist sublocation, Baringo County.

Police and other rescuers who responded to the scene said the homestead of a man with his family was swept away.

The man, his 38-year-old wife and his son aged 13 were missing after the incident that happened at dawn on August 7.

Police said three homesteads were affected by the incident.

A man in one of the affected homes was rescued while at the third house, there was no occupant at the time of the incident.

Rescue missions were ongoing on Wednesday with hopes of rescuing those missing.

There had been warnings in the area for locals to vacate from hilly places.

This follows the July 29 incident that happened on the Kasoiyo-Tenges-Saos tarmac road following a landslide in the Borowonin area in Baringo County.

As part of precautions, the Kenya Rural Roads Authority (KeRRA) closed down the section of the 57.1-kilometre road.

Officials said the move will pave the way for a contractor on site carrying out maintenance to assess the damage and repair the landslide-affected points before it is certified for public use.

KeRRA directed motorists plying the road to use alternative routes such as the Tenges- Kabsenet-Kaptipsokon-Kituro and Tartar-Kabasis-Bosin, during the closure period, which they anticipate will last for about two weeks.

KeRRA said they will be collaborating with security personnel in directing vehicles at the two entry points of the road at Kasoiyo in Baringo Central and in Saos in Koibatek Sub-counties to avert risks.

Heavy downpour continues to be experienced in many parts of the country and officials want motorists should be extra careful and ensure they have functioning headlights and avoid speeding, especially at night or when there is fog.      

The road is a crucial infrastructure, which links Eldama Ravine and Kabarnet, which is the County Headquarters.

Locals want routine inspection and maintenance of the road constructed in 1985 which is in dire need of proper rehabilitation.

The last time a similar scenario happened was in 2012 when a landslide cut off the road and extended to villages where lives were lost, families displaced and properties of huge magnitude destroyed.  

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