Makueni, Tsavo Trust to jointly manage wildlife conflict in Mtito Andei

Mutula expressed optimism that the conflict, if well managed, can metamorphose into a key economic pillar.

In Summary
  • The partnership will hand residents of the Mtito Andei area a relief after years of protracted cases of human-wildlife conflict.
  • The partnership signed by Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jr and Tsavo Trust Chief Executive Officer Richard Moller on Friday entails the joint implementation of projects that keep animals away from human settlements.
Makueni Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jr and Tsavo Trust Chief Executive Officer Richard Moller after signing a Memorandum of Understanding in Wote, Friday, August 23, 2024 to jointly mitigate wildlife conflict in Mtito Andei Area
Makueni Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jr and Tsavo Trust Chief Executive Officer Richard Moller after signing a Memorandum of Understanding in Wote, Friday, August 23, 2024 to jointly mitigate wildlife conflict in Mtito Andei Area

The County Government of Makueni has signed a working partnership with Tsavo Trust, a wildlife conservator, to mitigate human-wildlife conflict.

The partnership will hand residents of the Mtito Andei area a relief after years of protracted cases of human-wildlife conflict.

The partnership signed by Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jr and Tsavo Trust Chief Executive Officer Richard Moller on Friday entails the joint implementation of projects that keep animals away from human settlements.

Some of the targeted projects include the installation of electric fences in sections bordering wildlife corridors, provision of water for both wildlife and residents, establishment of health facilities and community education and participation in environmental conservation.

Governor Mutula said the efforts are geared towards permanently addressing the perennial cases of wild animals especially elephants straying into people’s homes and farmlands causing crop destruction and at times death and body injuries.

Mutula expressed optimism that the conflict if well managed, can metamorphose into a key economic pillar through tourism development.


Makueni Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jr and Tsavo Trust Chief Executive Officer Richard Moller sign a Memorandum of Understanding in Wote, Friday, August 23, 2024 to jointly mitigate wildlife conflict in Mtito Andei Area
Makueni Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jr and Tsavo Trust Chief Executive Officer Richard Moller sign a Memorandum of Understanding in Wote, Friday, August 23, 2024 to jointly mitigate wildlife conflict in Mtito Andei Area
Officials including Makueni Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jr and Tsavo Trust Chief Executive Officer Richard Moller after signing a Memorandum of Understanding in Wote, Friday, August 23, 2024 to jointly mitigate wildlife conflict in Mtito Andei Area
Officials including Makueni Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jr and Tsavo Trust Chief Executive Officer Richard Moller after signing a Memorandum of Understanding in Wote, Friday, August 23, 2024 to jointly mitigate wildlife conflict in Mtito Andei Area
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