Hygiene key in schools Mpox plan

Close contact must be approached with caution and sick students must be given the earliest chance to go to hospital.

In Summary
  • School managers must educate both teachers and students about the signs and symptoms.
  • It's public knowledge that fever, rash and swollen lymph nodes must be treated with seriousness and students referred to hospitals.

Students, in their millions, troop back to school this week to start term three.

Unfortunately, their return coincides with the worrying outbreak of Mpox.

School administrators must be alert to the dangers posed by congestion in class and dormitories because it could provide a fertile ground for Mpox to thrive.

It is instructive that students will travel long distances and in the process get into contact with passengers and fellow students from border areas, where cases have already been reported.

The threat of Mpox has not reached the terrifying heights of Covid-19, but every effort must be made to make schools safe.

School managers must educate both teachers and students about the signs and symptoms.

It's public knowledge that fever, rash and swollen lymph nodes must be treated with seriousness and students referred to hospitals.

Having seen how hygiene routines helped minimise the spread of Covid 19, the same strict regimen must be replicated in schools.

Schools must provide running water and ensure students wash their hands with soap frequently.

Those with flu should be taught how to cover their mouths when coughing.

Close contact must be approached with caution and sick students must be given the earliest chance to go to hospital or back home to recover.

Parents ought to play their part by enforcing Covid-19 style hygiene standards at home.

Prevention is the best medicine.

Quote of the day: “I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.”

Mother Teresa 

The Albanian-Indian Catholic nun and the founder of the Missionaries of Charity was born on August 26, 1910 

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