Gachagua calls for Mt Kenya unity: Ignore those paid to insult leaders

"I have never heard people of Luo insulting Raila, not a single one."

In Summary

• He noted that he has never seen other leaders from across the country being insulted by their people.

• The DP affirmed that Mt Kenya region remains stronger when united and any attempts to cause division will only make the situation worse for them.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has once again called on Mt Kenya leader to unite for the greater good of the community.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua speaking at the Methodist Church in Mikumbune on September 1, 2024.
Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua speaking at the Methodist Church in Mikumbune on September 1, 2024.
Image: DPCS

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has once again called on Mt Kenya leader to unite for the greater good of the community.

Speaking in Mikumbune on Sunday, Gachagua said that it baffles him that, unlike other communities in Kenya, a few from the region are paid to fight their leader.

He noted that he has never seen other leaders from across the country being insulted by their people.

"I told our leaders, please be like other communities. I have never heard people of Luo insulting Raila, not a single one. I haven't heard even one Kalenjin insulting William Ruto and I haven't heard even one Kamba insulting Kalonzo," the Deputy President said.

Gachagua said that it is only in the Mt Kenya region where a few people get paid to insult their leaders.

He said such people are only betraying the community, calling on the community to ignore them.

The DP affirmed that Mt Kenya region remains stronger when united and any attempts to cause division will only make the situation worse for them.

"In a population of 13 million, they are less than 10 just ignore. The people are good. Going forward, I want to assure you that as long as we are united as a region, we are in good space.

"Don't allow anybody to divide you along county lines. Our strength is our unity."

Gachagua said that he had seen individuals trying to divide Mt Kenya into two regions but that should not happen.

He said they are only being used.

He said they must engage and work with other like-minded Kenyans because they are honest people.

This comes even as Gachagua tries to position himself as the Mt Kenya region's kingpin.

He is the most senior politician in the country.

His efforts have, however, been met with some dissenting voices who have publicly dismissed him as the region's representative.

The defiance comes despite the DP’s escalated political activities and efforts to ‘unite’ the region.

Gachagua faces a herculean task in consolidating his Mt Kenya backyard as silent rebellion grows against his bid to lead the region.

A few weeks ago, he warned rebels that they have until December to change or be kicked out by voters.

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