In courts today: Blogger Maverick Aoko's set for Pre-trial conference

Wheels of Justice: Court stories lined up for today.

In Summary

• Aoko faces two other counts of cyber harassment and fraudulent use of electronic data.

• It is alleged that on August 3, she published false, defamatory and threatening information touching on one 'Amber Ray and 'Jamal'

In courts today
In courts today
Image: The Star

A Magistrates court is to issue directions in a case in which Journalist Scophine Aoko Otieno alias Maverick Aoko Otieno is facing charges of allegedly publishing false information on her 'X' social media handle.

Aoko faces two other counts of cyber harassment and fraudulent use of electronic data.

It is alleged that on August 3, she published false, defamatory and threatening information touching on one 'Amber Ray and 'Jamal'

"She did this knowing it to be malicious, false and well-calculated to cause fear, panic and destroy the reputation and professional career and livelihood of one Beth Wambui Mbuitu.

The posts were allegedly made on August 3.

Aoko who appeared before Chief Magistrate Susan Shitubi was released on a cash bail of sh 100,000.

The magistrate said her phones and laptops confiscated from her during the arrest are exhibits and can't be released at this stage.

She directed the officers to consider releasing them once they have been subjected to forensics investigations.

The Application will be reconsidered before the trial court.

The matter is coming up today for a pre-trial conference.

Separately, a Nairobi court will mention the case in which Brian Mwenda is accused of impersonating a High Court advocate.

In this case, Mwenda is charged with making a fake certificate for admission to practice law as an advocate.

He has denied the counts of making a false document, uttering a false document and identity theft.

In the first count, he is charged with intent to deceive, knowingly and fraudulently making a false document namely a certificate of admission p 105/21249/22 in the name of Brian Mwenda N.

He allegedly purported it to be a certificate of admission to practice as an advocate of the High Court duly issued by the deputy registrar of the High Court.

Mwenda is said to have committed the offence between August 30, 2022, and March 3, 2023, at an unknown place within the country.

He faces another charge of fraudulently uttering a forged certificate of Admission in the name of Brian Mwenda N on March 3, 2023, at the law firm of Mwangi Kiai LLP Advocates offices in Westlands within Nairobi.

The accused was further charged with making a fake practising certificate for the year 2023 in the name of Brian Mwenda N purporting it was a practising certificate issued by the chief registrar of the judiciary.

The court heard on October 9 at the law firm of Micheka Omwenga and company advocates offices, the accused person forged a practising certificate for the year 2023

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