Masengeli case: Judge condemns activists for disrupting court proceedings

Mugambi said activism should not find its way into the court precincts

In Summary
  • Mugambi was on Thursday afternoon forced to retreat to his chambers after activists started protesting in court demanding the arrest of Masengeli.
  • He expressed his concerns over the matter saying he will not be able to proceed because of security issues.
High court judge Lawrence Mugambi issues a statement mentioning a case where inspector general was to appear on the missing kitengela 3 demonstrators on September 5, 2024
High court judge Lawrence Mugambi issues a statement mentioning a case where inspector general was to appear on the missing kitengela 3 demonstrators on September 5, 2024

High Court Judge Lawrence Mugambi has condemned the disruption of court proceedings by activists who stormed the court demanding the arrest of Acting IG Gilbert Masengeli.

They demanded the arrest of Masengeli over the case of missing persons.

The persons allegedly disappeared two weeks ago in Kitengela. 

Mugambi said activism should not find its way into the court prescints especially where matters are being litigated.

He expressed his concerns over the matter saying he will not be able to proceed because of security issues.

"In view of what has just happened in court, it will not be conducive for me to sit in this court past hours to come up with a proper ruling as anticipated," the Judge said.

Mugambi had earlier been forced to retreat to his chambers after the activists emerged from the spectators shouting and holding placards.

He was at the time writing a ruling.

Masengeli had been directed to appear in court at 3 pm to shed light on the disappearance of the three youths but he didn't.

"Where is Bob, where are all the missing persons? We demand the arrest of the IG," said one of the men.

As the security personnel scrambled to contain the situation, Mugambi took his file and walked out of the court.

The courtroom buzzed with confusion as the unexpected scenes unfolded.

In the end, the security team contained the situation and the judge reconvened the court.

With a stern tone, the Judge addressed the court saying "I hope the security will take what has happened into consideration so that it doesn't happen again."

As the disruption highlighted vulnerabilities in the security team, the judge declined to give his orders and have the matter proceed virtually as requested by the IG.

He pushed the case to Monday next week saying the IG should avail himself to purge the contempt.

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