Get out while you can! Mitchelle Ntalami tells LGBTQ+ community members

"I want to emphasise that I do not condemn you. If anything, I understand your struggle."

In Summary
  • Ntalami said that she took time to seek God who revealed her true identity.

  • The businesswoman added that since being born again, she is not part of the LGBTQ+ community.

Michelle Ntalami
Michelle Ntalami
Image: Instagram

Businesswoman Mitchelle Ntalami has detailed her experience months after she announced that she was born again.

Ntalami said that she took time to seek God who revealed her true identity.

The businesswoman added that since being born again, she is not part of the LGBTQ+ community.

"I stand as a conqueror in the powerful name of Jesus Christ, as I share this testimony in obedience to God. Since my life-changing encounter with Christ, I no longer identify as androsexual. For a long time now, I am not part of the LGBTQ+ community," Ntalami said in a post on Instagram.

"I took time to seek God on this prevalent stronghold in our world today. God Himself revealed to me the truth about this path and how it goes against His Divine plan for humanity."

She said that being part of the LGBTQ+ community did not reveal her true identity.

Ntalami attributed the move to join the community to a vulnerable time in her life where she was grappling with grief, loss and pain.

"I believed it would bring healing and truth," she said.

Ntalami, however, said that she is not condemning those who are part of the community.

She said that she understands the struggles the members of the community go through.

"Conversely, it shattered and confused me more. Deep down, I knew it was never meant for me. On that day, God confirmed this, healed and set me free! To the LGBTQ+ community and anyone practising this publicly or discreetly; I want to emphasise that I do not condemn you. If anything, I understand your struggle," she said.

"I pray for you with love and compassion. However, our feelings, preferences, experiences and culture do not determine the truth. Only God's word does. Friends, that is the wrong path. You are dealing with dark spiritual forces that are deeper than your understanding. Get out while you can."

Ntalami further added that she does not regret her past life but she is focused on educating people on the goodness of God through her platforms.

She thanked family and friends for supporting her throughout the entire journey.

According to her, sharing the story will help in changing the society.

"The good news is, there is hope for those who truly seek freedom. It starts by accepting Jesus into your life. Let Him be the one to define your purpose, identity and sexuality. I also want to share a heartfelt apology to those I may have misled. It was never my intention. May my testimony point you to the only truth; Jesus Christ," she said.

"Am I ashamed of my scars? Not at all! How then would you believe that our God is mighty to save? Thank you for walking with me! God asked me to share my story so that it may shed light on so many in bondage and spark a positive change in our society."

"I vowed to use my platform to influence for Christ. As bold as I was in the secular world, is as bold as I will be for Jesus: I, Michelle Ntalami, stand for God's word alone, and my identity is found only in Christ."

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