In courts: Journalist Aoko's cyber harassment case set for pre-trial conference

Wheels of Justice: Court stories lined up for today.

In Summary
  • In the case, Aoko faces two other counts of cyber harassment and fraudulent use of electronic data.
  • It is alleged that on August 3 she published false, defamatory and threatening information touching on one Amber Ray and Jamal
In courts today
In courts today
Image: The Star

A Magistrates court is set to conduct a pre-trial conference in a case in which Journalist Scophine Aoko Otieno alias Maverick Aoko Otieno is facing charges of allegedly publishing false information on her 'X' social media handle.

Parties are to confirm to the court whether the necessary documentation required for trial has been produced and served.

In the case, Aoko faces two other counts of cyber harassment and fraudulent use of electronic data.

It is alleged that on August 3 she published false, defamatory and threatening information touching on one Amber Ray and Jamal.

"She did this knowing it to be malicious, false and well calculated to cause fear, panic and destroy the reputation and professional career and livelihood of one Beth Wambui Mbuitu," court documents stated.

The posts were allegedly made on August 3.

Aoko who appeared before Chief Magistrate Susan Shitubi was released on a cash bail of Sh100,000.

The magistrate said her phones and laptops confiscated from her during the arrest are exhibits and cannot be released at this stage.

She directed the officers to consider releasing them after they have been subjected to forensics investigations.

That Application will be reconsidered before the trial court.

Separately, the High Court is expected to deal with a fresh application in a case in which the High Court ordered the Muthaiga Golf Club to open its doors to City advocate Donald Kipkorir.

Mwita issued the order a week ago following an application made by the advocate.

He directed parties to appear in court on October 15 for a hearing but it appears there's a new application after the matter was listed before the same Judge Tuesday.

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