What Raila really means by opening IEBC servers - Alai

Says Raila is not referring to the physical ICT infrastructure

In Summary

• Alai said President William Ruto can appoint the people he wants to audit the electoral process. 

•He said auditing of the electoral process does not have to involve the physical servers. 

Kileleshwa MCA Robert Alai
Kileleshwa MCA Robert Alai
Image: FILE

Kileleshwa ward MCA Robert Alai has revealed what Azimio leader Raila Odinga means in his demand for the opening of the August 9, 2022, election servers. 

Alai, in an interview with TV47 on Wednesday, said Raila is not referring to the physical ICT infrastructure. 

"The server we are talking about is not the physical infrastructure. The server is the electoral process. Can we review and audit the electoral process," the MCA said. 

He said auditing of the electoral process does not have to involve the physical servers. 

Among the areas Alai opined should be looked into during the audit was whether the voting process was done right. 

"Why did eight million Kenyans stay away from the ballot? Why did we spend so much to conduct the election? Why are we having a cry over the physical server?" he asked.

Alai said President William Ruto can appoint the people he wants to audit the electoral process. 

"You can either go with a cooperate body or eminent Kenyans to do it. But let us audit the process," the former blogger said. 

Raila has insisted that the election process in last year's general poll was flawed. 

He claimed that his victory was stolen and insisted that Ruto must open the servers to verify who really won the August 9, 2022 polls. 

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