Two employees charged with conspiring to steal Sh28m products

They pleaded not guilty to the charges.

In Summary
  • Govind Mavji Vekariya and Mutua Ngelenge were charged before Kibera Chief Magistrate Ann Mwangi.
Govind Mavji Vekariya and Mutua Ngelenge at the Kibera Court
Govind Mavji Vekariya and Mutua Ngelenge at the Kibera Court

Two employees of Laxcon Hardware and Spares were Monday charged with stealing products worth Sh28 million contrary to the law.

Govind Mavji Vekariya and Mutua Ngelenge were charged before Kibera Chief Magistrate Ann Mwangi.

They pleaded not guilty to the charges.

The court heard that the two being employees of the said company allegedly conspired to commit a felony by stealing 12.579 assorted pieces of 4litres tins of a particular brand of paint products and 2.034 assorted pieces of 4 litres tins of another brand of paint products all valued at Sh28 million which came to their possession by virtue of employments.

They jointly denied the charges.

The first accused person while denying the charges told the court that he had worked for the complainant for a long period of time.

They also urged the court to release them on lenient bond terms saying that they were not a flight risk.

They also requested to be supplied with all the witness statements and documentary pieces of evidence that the prosecution intended to rely on during the entire trial.

The court released them on a bond of Sh2 million and directed that a pre-bail report be filed in court before they are granted cash bail on the same.

The case will proceed on June 12 for further directions.

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