Senators to probe illicit brew crackdown that left five dead

Lawmakers want to establish whether procedure was followed during crackdown

In Summary
  • Wakoli wants the government to specify compensation that will be extended to the bereaved families who lost their breadwinners.
  • Lawmakers are demanding action against concerned officers to ensure justice for the victims of the crackdown.
Bungoma Senator Wafula Wakoli
Bungoma Senator Wafula Wakoli

Senators have launched a probe into the conduct of police officers during a recent crackdown on illegal brews in Bungoma County.

Five people lost their lives as police pursued suspects on June 7, 2023 incident along Chwele-Kimilili Road.

Bungoma Senator Wafula Wakoli wants the Ministry of Interior to state the circumstances under which police officers from Chwele Police Station pursued two motorbikes suspected to be transporting illicit brew.

Seeking a statement from Standing Committee on National Security, Defence and Foreign Relations, the lawmaker further wants the ministry to outline the appropriate procedure for conducting crackdowns on illegal brew.

He added that the state should indicate whether the procedure was followed in the particular case.

“State the actions being taken to bring the concerned officers to book to ensure justice for the victims of the illegal conduct of the officers,” Wakoli added.

He further wants the government to specify compensation that will be extended to the bereaved families who lost their breadwinners in the accident, specifically, two boda boda riders and two women.

Senate Majority Leader Aaron Cheruiyot said the matter should not be treated with casualness and expressed hopes it shall be granted the seriousness it deserves.

“The matter is as important as any other conversation we have had in this House such as impeachment or even public debt,” he said.

Vihiga Senator Godfrey Osotsi said the conduct of police officers during crackdowns on the illegal brew is wanting.

“This problem does not just affect Bungoma. In my own county, police officers focus too much on following people who are enjoying their brews and conducting their business in their normal way instead of providing security and ensuring crime levels go down,” he added.

Senate Minority Leader Stewart Madzayo and Laikipia Senator John Kinyua echoed the sentiments of Cheruiyot and Osotsi.

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