ODM top organ clears way for expulsion of rebel MPs

The lawmakers are now working with the Kenya Kwanza administration.

In Summary
  • The branch executives committee have been directed to initiate the process at the grassroots.
  • The National Delegates convention is not required to endorse such a decision before they are kicked out.
President William Ruto with Azimio rebels and ICT CS Eliud Owalo at the State House on July 1, 2023,
President William Ruto with Azimio rebels and ICT CS Eliud Owalo at the State House on July 1, 2023,

A top organ of the Orange Democratic Movement(ODM) that is chaired by party leader Raila Odinga has ratified the process to expel at least seven rebel lawmakers.

The Management Committee has resolved to trigger the formal process that will lead to the MPs being kicked out of the party in the coming weeks.

The MPs include Gideon Ochanda (Bondo), Caroli Omondi (Suba South ), Elisha Odhiambo (Gem) Mark Nyamita (Uriri), Paul Abuor (Rongo), Kisumu Senator Tom Ojienda and Lang'ata MP Phelix Odiwuor alias Jalang'o.

The meeting also decided that owing to the protracted legal battles expected to ensue, the process will begin from the grassroots as required by the ODM party constitution.

While some branches have already formally removed MPs from their branch executive leadership, they have been asked to begin afresh the disciplinary process as required.

The party will second some legal experts to the branches as part of strengthening compliance with the law to avoid the decisions being quashed by courts.

The ODM constitution states that once the branches ratify the expulsion, the decisions will be brought before the National Executive Committee(NEC).

NEC will make a decision to uphold the verdict and recommend to the National Governing Council the ratification of the same.

The National Delegates Convention is not required to formally review the decision to expel rebels but may be convened when necessary to ratify the same as the supreme Organ.

The party will then write to the Registrar of Political Parties Anne Nderitu seeking the removal of the rebels from the ODM register.

Previously, the party unsuccessfully tried to expel former Malindi MP and now Public Service Cabinet Secretary Aisha Jumwa over omissions of key statutory steps.

In trying to correct the past mistakes that saw Jumwa's expulsion quashed by the court, the NMC has proposed that the process be initiated at the branch levels.

All relevant branch disciplinary committees have been given the green light to begin the process of formally kicking out the seven MPs enjoying an open dalliance with Ruto.

MPs elected on ODM party tickets are members of the branch executive committees-some serve as chairpersons-and wield immense powers at the grassroots.

"We are convinced that we have learnt from the past mistakes and are ready to ensure that we comply with the law throughout the process," a member of the ODM top organ told the Star.

The official said Raila is determined to teach the rebel MPs a bitter lesson after they betrayed him and decided to team up with President William Ruto's Kenya Kwanza camp.

Recently Raila held a meeting with all the ODM branch chairpersons in what was seen as part of his plans to brief them about the next steps to actualise the expulsions.

In an open show of defiance, the lawmakers being targeted on Tuesday held a meeting with President Ruto at State House even as ODM approved the process of their expulsion.

In a statement, Jalang'o pledged to continue supporting Ruto.

"Our resolve to work with HE William Ruto was not a gimmick! We will support the president and we must support the president!" he tweeted on Tuesday.

The MPs have been meeting some of Ruto's Cabinet Secretaries claiming that they are looking for development projects for their electorate.

Raila has insisted that MPs must not visit the State House or beg for projects but instead lobby for them in Parliament during the budget-making process.

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