Call off demos, resume talks, CS Murkomen urges Raila

Transport CS says Raila has the influence to call off the demos if he wishes

In Summary
  • The CS said the issues being  raised by the Azimio coalition as they lead the anti-government demos can be discussed  in parliament. 

  • He said since Azimio are susre they are in no way seeking to be part of the government

Roads Cabinet Secretary Kipchumba Murkomen at a past event.
Roads Cabinet Secretary Kipchumba Murkomen at a past event.

Road and Transport Cabinet Secretary Kipchumba Murkomen has urged Azimio chief Raila Odinga to call off the planned three-day anti-government protests.

Murkomen on Tuesday said Raila has the influence to call off the demos if he wishes to do so. 

"It is still my prayer and considered opinion that Hon Raila Odinga should use his influence to call off the planned mass action. He has the ability and responsibility to do so," the CS said. 

Murkomen said there is no reason why the leaders shouldn’t resume the Parliamentary talks.

The CS said the issues being raised by the Azimio coalition as they lead the anti-government demos can be discussed in parliament. 

He said since Azimio are sure they are in no way seeking to be part of the government

"Now that Azimio is clear that they don’t want to be part of the government in any form or shape whether it is nusu mkate or handshake, then I don’t see the reason why we can’t prosecute the issues raised using our democratic institutions," he said.

He added that President William Ruto had offered dialogue as a solution.

"I urge our Azimio friends to be mindful of the nation and resume the talks," Murkomen said. 

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