Police brutality in Nyanza during demos is ethnic profiling - Raila

"They are targeting one particular community and that is not the route that we want Kenya to take."

In Summary

• The police have been accused of using excessive force when dealing with protesters.

• Odinga said corruption in the the country was on the rise and President William Ruto-led administration will not improve the situation.

Anti-government protesters engage anti-riot police officers running battles at Jua Kali on July 19, 2023.
Anti-government protesters engage anti-riot police officers running battles at Jua Kali on July 19, 2023.
Image: FILE

Azimio leader Raila Odinga has termed the alleged police brutality in Nyanza during anti-government demonstrations as ethnic profiling and cleansing.

Speaking on Tuesday as he addressed the International media, Raila claimed: "They are targeting one particular community and that is not the route that we want Kenya to take.

"They are targeting the Luos in Nyanza. That is why there is a disproportionate use of live bullets in areas like Migori, Homa Bay, Kisumu and Siaya," he claimed.

The police have been accused of using excessive force when dealing with protesters last week where more than 30 people lost their lives and several others were injured.

"There is also the use of poisoned arrows in Sondu Market, Kisumu where 18 people were shot with arrows and the police have done nothing on this." 

Raila said corruption in the country was on the rise and President William Ruto-led administration will not improve the situation.

"Corruption in the country has really gone up since retired President Uhuru Kenyatta left the government. Even if this government is given another term to rule they will not make any improvement," he said.

Kisumu Governor Anyang’ Ngong’o on July 22 condemned excessive use of force by the police on Kisumu residents.

Nyongo in a statement said police who had been deployed to quell what he termed as peaceful demonstrations in Kisumu were using excessive force on innocent harmless members of the public.

“Even after stopping members of the public from exercising their democratic rights to picket over the high cost of living imposed by the Kenya Kwanza government, the police armed with all manner of weapons are pursuing innocent residents deep into the residential areas and brutalising them,” he decried.

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