Raila to launch fund to support victims of protests

"We condole with the families who have lost loved ones."

In Summary

•He said the fund will be announced to enable people to contribute.

•"We are going to launch a fund to help families who lost their loved ones and those still in hospital receiving treatment."

Raila Odinga addresses the media at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Foundation on July 12, 2023.
Raila Odinga addresses the media at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Foundation on July 12, 2023.
Image: FILE

Azimio la Umoja leader Raila Odinga has spoken of his plan to launch funds that will help to support the victims of the demonstrations in the country.

He was addressing the International media on Tuesday where he said the fund will be announced to enable people to contribute.

"We condole with the families who have lost loved ones and they are the reason as to why we called off the demos," Raila said.

"We are going to launch a fund to help families who lost their loved ones and those still in hospital receiving treatment."

Raila said that people will contribute directly to the fund so as to support the victims of the protests.

On Monday, Kenya National Civil Society Centre executive director Suba Churchill claimed that the State failed in its obligation to protect the protesters.

Speaking to the Star, Churchill said the government bears the responsibility of protecting its citizens.

"The government failed to respect the right of people to protest and even if those people were injured by criminals or the police, the State would still be culpable because it has the primary duty to protect citizens," Churchill said.

He said if the State fails to meet the medical cost, the victims are at liberty to sue and get compensation.

"The victims can proceed to sue the government for compensation on account of its primary duty if it fails to pay for the bills," Churchill added.

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