Judge warns Obado on alleged interference of witness in Sharon's trial

Witness told the court he is apprehensive about his life

In Summary
  • She, however, said for the court to take any action on such allegations they must be substantiated by evidence which has not been done by the prosecution counsels.
Rongo University student Sharon Otieno who was found murdered near Kodera Forest on September 5, 2018.
Rongo University student Sharon Otieno who was found murdered near Kodera Forest on September 5, 2018.

The High Court has issued a warning to former Migori governor Okoth Obado and two others not to interfere with witnesses in the Sharon Otieno murder trial.

Justice Cecilia Githua issued the directive after Jackson Gombe a taxi driver who allegedly ferried Sharon to Kodera Forest where she met her death said he has been threatened.

Gombe told the court he is apprehensive about his life.

Githua agreed with the prosecution that allegations of interfering with witnesses if true are serious because they will amount to interference with witnesses which the court can't take lightly.

She, however, said for the court to take any action on such allegations they must be substantiated by evidence which has not been done by the prosecution counsels.

The judge said the court can't make directions based on statements from the bar.

"No good basis has been established to warrant intervention by this court by way of ordering a probe in the manner proposed," Githua said.

The judge in directing the case to proceed said should there be evidence in the future, the court won't hesitate to take action including canceling accused bonds

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