Bar State from borrowing until public debt is audited - Lobby

Lobby petitions High Court to stop Treasury from allowing any government borrowings

In Summary
  • The lobby says the Sh4 trillion published by the Central Bank of Kenya in its data is inaccurate.
  • Operation Linda Jamii declares that country's lawfully authorised public debt as of the 2021-22 Financial Year is Sh2 trillion.
Milimani law courts
Milimani law courts
Image: FILE

A lobby has petitioned the High Court seeking to stop Treasury from allowing any government borrowings until Kenya's public debt has been audited.

Operation Linda Jamii wants the court to declare that the country's lawfully authorised public debt as of the 2021-22 Financial Year is Sh2 trillion.

It says the Sh4 trillion published by the Central Bank of Kenya in its data is inaccurate.

It says that the amount was never authorised by an appropriation Act as is required by the law and cannot be linked to any development projects between the financial year 2014-15.

"The unauthorised debt has created a discrepancy and disparity as to the figure of Kenya's public debt," lobby said.

The group cites a report allegedly presented by the National Assembly itemises Kenya's public debt at Sh9.1 trillion whereas Central Bank of Kenya data places the debt at Sh 6.1 trillion.

As a result, the lobby wants the court to issue an order directing National Treasury and CBK to rectify Kenya's public debt data on their respective websites.

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