Come clean on Kenya's performance in Budapest - Cherargei to CS Ababu, AK

Senator says country witnessed ‘obvious errors’ that contributed to the dismal performance

In Summary
  • Cherargei also criticised the ministry of ‘inferior’ reception of the athletes who represented the country in the competition.
  • He cited the country's loss, for the first time since 1968, in the 3,000 metres steeplechase.
Nandi senator samson Cherarkei addreses the press in Parliament on issues of athletes on August 29, 2023.
Nandi senator samson Cherarkei addreses the press in Parliament on issues of athletes on August 29, 2023.

Sports CS Ababu Namwamba and the management of Athletics Kenya have been put on the spot over alleged ‘errors’ that cost the country medals in the World Athletics Champions in Budapest, Hungary.

Nandi Senator Samson Cherargei claimed that the Ministry, Athletics Kenya and the National Olympics Committee of Kenya are to blame for the 'blunders' in Budapest.

“Though we managed to come top in Africa and fifth in the world it is in the heart of Kenyans that this year’s World Championship was poorly performed compared to the performance of previous,” Cherargei said.

According to Cherargei, the country witnessed ‘obvious errors’ that contributed to the dismal performance, especially in some track fields.

He cited the country's loss, for the first time since 1968, in the 3,000 metres steeplechase.

“For this, we are calling on the technical team to be responsible for the errors that cost our team medals," he said.

 The vocal senator held that the technical team and the ministry appeared hellbent on the old tactics of preparation.

Cherargei also criticised the ministry of ‘inferior’ reception of the athletes who represented the country in the competition.

“Yesterday, several athletes including the two gold winners jetted back to the country but the kind of reception being accorded to them is still wanting since even the Cabinet Secretary himself did not show up to receive our heroes and heroines,” he said.

“This type of welcoming of the athletes reflects the general poor management and lack of motivation being accorded to the team.”

Consequently, the senator wants the Ministry, AK and NOCK to come clean on what happened to the national team management and if there were any prior arrangements for athletes’ reception in Nairobi.

He also wants the ministry to expound on the rewards scheme and stipends given to winners for various categories.

“Explain the selection process of athletes and officials who went to represent Kenya in Budapest explaining why some athletes who qualified during selection did not travel yet they were replaced and what criteria was used for replacement,” he said.

Further, he wants the ministry to explain why the athletes were flying economy class while management and officials were allegedly using business class.

Cherargei wants an overhaul of the technical team to enable the team to adjust and adopt the new techniques thus being able to compete with the new breed of competitors.

“Delocalise athletics services like issuance of clearance letters and Visas to towns near the training camps to avoid athletes camping in Nairobi for days waiting to be served,” he said.

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