Projected ministerial expenditure stands at Sh2.37tn – report

Education sector will be highest expenditure at Sh628.6 billion

In Summary
  • The funds will be utilised by 81 ministries, departments and agencies.
  • The energy infrastructure and ICT sector has a total expenditure of Sh532.4 billion.
A banner fixed outside the Treasury Building
A banner fixed outside the Treasury Building
Image: FILE

The government’s projected ministerial expenditure for the 2023/24 Financial Year totals Sh2.37 trillion, a report of the Parliamentary Budget Office shows.

The amount comprises Sh1.56 trillion (66 per cent of the total) for recurrent and Sh807.6 billion (34 per cent of the total) for development expenditure.

“The funds will be utilised by 81 ministries, departments and agencies,” the report stated.

When broken down, the largest share of the expenditures will be utilised by the education sector (26 per cent), energy, infrastructure and information communication and technology sector (22 per cent), public administration and international relations sector (13 per cent) and governance, justice, law and order sector (10 per cent).

The education sector was allocated Sh628.6 billion for expenditure in 2023/24 comprising Sh595.5 billion for recurrent expenditure and Sh33.1 billion for development expenditure.

The budget will be implemented by the Teachers Service Commission with an allocation of Sh323.8 billion; State Department for Basic Education which is allocated Sh147.8 billion and State Department for Higher Education and Research, whose allocation for the financial year is Sh128.6 billion.

The energy infrastructure and ICT sector has a total expenditure of Sh532.4 billion comprising of Sh148 billion for recurrent expenditure and Sh384.4 billion for development expenditure.

The budget and the related programs in the sector will be implemented by nine ministries, departments and agencies with the largest shares being for State Department for Roads at Sh250.8 billion.

The State Department for Housing and Urban Development has been allocated Sh93.8 billion, State Department for Energy, Sh63.1 billion, and, State Department for Transport, Sh60.4 billion.

The sector is expected to act as a Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda enabler of infrastructure with a target to intensify national connectivity through road, rail, port, energy and fibre-optic infrastructure so as to foster an enabling environment for economic recovery and inclusive growth.

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