Pastor Dorcas: Kenya has no space for LGBTQ, won't legalise it

She said it was against the law for a man to marry a man or a woman to marry a woman.

In Summary
  • She further added that Africa was not ready for such changes, as Africa is governed by culture and religion.

  • "I believe it is time for us to openly discuss and debate this issue," Pastor Dorcas said.

Pastor Dorcas Rigathi.
Pastor Dorcas Rigathi.
Image: FILE

The spouse of Deputy President, Pastor Dorcas Rigathi has advocated for the denial of the legalisation of LGBTQ rights in Kenya.

Speaking at an orientation forum for first-year students at Maasai Mara University in Narok County on Sunday, Pastor Dorcas said it was not lawful, and Kenya would not allow it.

"Being a pastor and a mother, I have never found a situation in the history of the world where religion, culture, and the law converge and declare this to be the right thing," Pastor Dorcas said.

She said it was against the law for a man to marry a man or a woman to marry a woman.

"Constitutionally, it is not legal," she said.

She further added that Africa was not ready for such changes, as Africa is governed by culture and religion.

"I believe it is time for us to openly discuss and debate this issue, and when you hear us talking about it, we aim to promote a thriving Africa," Pastor Dorcas said.

"When a man marries a man, what do they produce? And when a woman marries a woman, what do they produce?" 

She further said people must follow the divine order, as only when the divine order is obeyed can a community and society thrive.

The court first made the verdict in February this year saying the NGO coordination board erred by refusing to register the National Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (NGLHRC), thereby denying it formal organization recognition.

The board claimed NGLHRC "promoted same-sex conduct".

Following the apex court's ruling, Homa Bay Town MP Peter Kaluma filed an appeal against the judgment in the same court but his arguments were thrown out by the court.

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