ODM: Cost of living is our top priority in bi-partisan talks, it’s not negotiable

"We urge our delegation to stand firm and not accept any deal that ignores the living cost."

In Summary
  • Raila's secretary Oduor Ong’wen in a statement on Monday said the high cost of living remains their top priority and is non-negotiable.
  • The party listed five key issues, with taming the high cost of living topping the list.
ODM party leader Raila Odinga
PARTY REBELS: ODM party leader Raila Odinga
Image: FILE

The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) has highlighted the high cost of living as one of the major issues at the heart of its participation in the  National Dialogue Committee (NADCO) talks.

Raila's secretary Oduor Ong’wen in a statement on Monday said the high cost of living remains their top priority and is non-negotiable.

"We are deeply concerned that while the talks are ongoing, the current regime continues to implement measures that exacerbate the cost of living, including fuel price hikes and the introduction of new and punitive taxes and levies," he stated.

This, the statement pointed out, is hardly indicative of good faith and commitment to addressing the concerns of the people.

The party listed five key issues, with taming the high cost of living topping the list.

Other issues include ensuring electoral justice, restructuring and reconstitution of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), upholding fidelity to multiparty democracy, and respecting the rights of political parties.

"As a committed member of Azimio, we urge our delegation to stand firm and not accept any deal that does not satisfactorily address the critical cost of living," they emphasized.

The party further cautiously welcomed a forum convened by NADCO to deliberate on the challenges faced by Kenyans due to the high cost of living.

They expressed profound concerns regarding the participation of institutions such as the World Bank and IMF for expert input, citing their previous advice as contributing to the problems the nation is facing.

"ODM remains dedicated to constructive dialogue and the pursuit of solutions that genuinely benefit the Kenyan people. We appreciate productive discussions ahead and trust that these negotiations will lead to positive change for the betterment of Kenya," the statement concluded.

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