Mudavadi: Raila’s experience, leadership align with AUC's values

"We have a visionary leader to fire up the African Union to greater levels."

In Summary
  • Mudavadi lauded President William Ruto for fully endorsing Raila’s candidature and continuing to extensively engage with with his counterparts in the region.
  • Opposition leader Raila Odinga on his part, lauded the government's efforts to propel his bid for the African Union Commission chairperson job.

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi has commended opposition leader Raila Odinga for his enduring political experience and leadership, stating that they align with the African Union Commission's core values of efficiency, professionalism, and respect for diversity.

Prime CS Musalia Mudavadi during a press briefing on ODM leader Raila Odinga candidature for the AU chairperson bid in Nairobi on June 5, 2024
Prime CS Musalia Mudavadi during a press briefing on ODM leader Raila Odinga candidature for the AU chairperson bid in Nairobi on June 5, 2024

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi has commended opposition leader Raila Odinga for his enduring political experience and leadership, stating that they align with the African Union Commission's core values of efficiency, professionalism, and respect for diversity.

"We have a visionary leader to fire up the African Union to greater levels," Mudavadi said.

“We have no doubt the candidate will pursue excellence in line with the continent's aspiration of the Africa we want."

Speaking during a joint press briefing on Wednesday, Mudavadi, expressed his support for Raila’s candidacy for the AUC Chairperson position.

Mudavadi lauded President William Ruto for fully endorsing Raila’s candidature and continuing to extensively engage with with his counterparts in the region.

The Prime CS said that the government has set up an elaborate secretariat made of government bureaucrats and strategists that will spearhead Raila's bid.

Opposition leader Raila Odinga on his part, lauded the government's efforts to propel his bid for the African Union Commission chairperson job.

"I am encouraged by the level of senior government officials who have offered their support for this campaign. I appreciate the offer of support," Raila said.

"With the commitment between the government and my team, we will be able to clinch the seat,” he added.

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