What Kenyans want changed to make NHIF better - report

15 per cent suggest that the speed of approvals be improved

In Summary
  • One per cent of the respondents want awareness on the importance of NHIF done, made easily accessible and the government to pay for all citizens.

  • The data was collected from 3,603 respondents between January 23 and February 7, 2024.

Kenyans have opined that allowing patients to attend any hospital when in need of healthcare would make the National Health Insurance (NHIF) better.

A report released by Twaweza East Africa on Thursday showed that 49 per cent of Kenyans are of the view that NHIF members should be able to attend any hospital.

"Among all citizens, the top suggestion for how the NHIF could be improved is for members to be able to visit any hospital for treatment (49 per cent)," the report says.

"This is followed by increasing the funding available to the NHIF (37 per cent) and including outpatient services for all contributors (34 per cent)," it adds.

According to the survey, 15 per cent suggest that the speed of approvals be improved while 14 per cent want bed charges covered by NHIF revised.

"NHIF members like that it provides quality and affordable services, but complain that it doesn’t cover all ailments," the report says.

Eleven per cent want the NHIF to be affordable while eight per cent want a reduction in downtime indices of NHIF system.

Three per cent want NHIF to include both inpatient and outpatient services , two per cent want to NHIF to cover everyone with no limit on age and one per cent want medicine inclusive in the cover.

One per cent of the respondents want awareness on the importance of NHIF done, made easily accessible and the government to pay for all citizens.

The data was collected from 3,603 respondents between January 23 and February 7, 2024.

This was done through random sampling from an existing database of contacts from previous surveys to establish a nationally representative panel.

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