Nairobi business community to provide CCTV footage of looters during demos

"We wish to appeal to the police to pursue those behind the same for justice."

In Summary
  • NYBC said business owners suffered after goons infiltrated the anti-Finance Bill protests and looted their businesses.
  • They further said the business community lost over Sh3 billion as a result of vandalism and looting that took place on the day of the protest.
Nairobi Youth Business Community officials during a press briefing on JULY 1, 2024.
Nairobi Youth Business Community officials during a press briefing on JULY 1, 2024.

The Nairobi Youth Business Community (NYBC) has appealed to the police to pursue goons suspected of having looted businesses in Nairobi.

NYBC said business owners suffered after goons infiltrated the anti-Finance Bill protests and looted their businesses.

In a press briefing made on Monday, NYBC said it has obtained CCTV footage of suspected goons who looted several shops in Nairobi during demos.

"We are ready to share the footage with authorities for their actions and wish to appeal to the police to pursue those behind the same for justice," they said in a joint statement

They further said the business community lost over Sh3 billion as a result of vandalism and looting that took place on the day of the protest.

The group added the loss of stock and vandalism has resulted in the loss of jobs for many Kenyans who relied on the shops to earn a living.

NYBC further expressed regret over the loss of lives even as they sent their condolences to families affected.

They lauded Gen Z for their peaceful protests their push was peaceful and issues-based.

"We commend Gen Z in their quest and drive to be heard in matters of governance. We are with them all the way," they said.

Several business premises and shops were vandalised during Tuesday's demonstrations that aimed at pushing the MPs to shoot down the Finance Bill 2024.

Supermarkets and shops along Ronald Ngala, and City Hall Way among others were among the most affected in  Nairobi CBD.

Naivas supermarket along with Ronald Ngala and Carrefour supermarket along City Hall Way were vandalised.

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