Only 19 people died during demos - Ruto says, pledges explanation for each case

Ruto said any life lost must bother anybody including him.

In Summary
  • Regretting the loss of innocent lives during the day, Ruto said any life lost must bother anybody including him.
  • As to the case of the parliament invasion, Ruto said the invaders attacked the armoury both at the mausoleum and at the sergeant-at-arms's office.
President William Ruto during an interview at Statehouse, Nairobi on June 30, 2024.
President William Ruto during an interview at Statehouse, Nairobi on June 30, 2024.
Image: PCS

President William Ruto has assured Kenyans that a comprehensive report will be released on how 19 people died during last week's protests that degenerated into violence.

Regretting the loss of innocent lives during the day, Ruto said any life lost must bother anybody including him.

“There will be an investigation on how these 19 Kenyans died, they will be a clarity, an explanation for each and every one of them,” he said.

He noted that law enforcers have records of all those who died.

In one of the incidents which he said police had to use a live bullet, the head of state disclosed that a man hijacked a firearm from an officer at Ngong after overpowering them.

"The man accosted the police, took the gun and used it against innocent citizens and police had to shoot him to avoid endangering the lives of many others,” he said.

“I cannot confirm if this is the man that fired several bullets at a 12-year-old boy, but investigations are ongoing and we shall get to the bottom of it. I am telling the mother of the young person killed that I as a president will make sure that finally I will give her an explanation of what really happened and bring this to a situation where like myself who have children, her children can be accounted for.” 

Speaking during a presidential round table Sunday night, Ruto dismissed reports that over 20 people had died in the demos.

According to the president, reports that 24 were killed are misleading asserting there were only 19 as per the available records and that there was only one death at Githurai.

“An organisation that is as reckless as to say there was a massacre when there was none is now telling us there were 24 deaths when police are saying it is 19...we will find out where the numbers,” he noted.

As to the case of the parliament invasion, Ruto said the invaders attacked the armoury both at the mausoleum and at the sergeant-at-arms's office.

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