Mwaure Waihiga condemns destruction, theft witnessed during protests

Mwaure warns that destructive behaviour will only harm fellow Kenyans and disrupt their livelihoods

In Summary


  • Waihiga Mwaure reiterated that while every citizen has the constitutional right to demonstrate, resorting to hooliganism detracts from the legitimate cause advocated by Generation Z activists and other protesters. 
  • Footage shared online showed what are believed to be goons vandalising businesses in various parts of the country.
Agano party leader David Waihiga Mwaure
Agano party leader David Waihiga Mwaure
Image: FILE

Former presidential candidate and Agano Party leader David Mwaure Waihiga has condemned acts of hooliganism, destruction of property, and theft witnessed during the ongoing anti-government protests. 

In a post he shared on  X, Waihiga Mwaure reiterated that while every citizen has the constitutional right to demonstrate, resorting to hooliganism detracts from the legitimate cause advocated by Generation Zs activists and other protesters. 

Mwaure Waihiga emphasized that destructive behaviour only serves to harm fellow Kenyans and disrupt their livelihoods, urging an immediate cessation of such activities.

"Constitutional right to demonstrate isn't right to hooliganism. Hooliganism will not advance the cause of GEN-Zs. As a former Presidential Candidate, I condemn hooliganism and destruction and theft of fellow Kenyans' properties and means of livelihood. This MUST STOP," Mwaure said.

Mwaure also urged the government to address the key issues that have been raised by the protesters on good governance.

"Runaway corruption, wastage and recently high-level opulence have been the main problems of Kenya. I spoke against these during my Presidential campaigns. These must be fought and eradicated with every available means going forward," he added

Other leaders have also taken to social media to condemn the infiltration of the Gen Z protests by goons.

Nyali MP Mohammed Ali called on stakeholders including parents, religious leaders, politicians and businessmen to call for an end to the protests saying the President has already heard the cries of the young generation and put forth a dialogue initiative.

“Police must protect and safeguard the lives of innocent Kenyans and their properties. This is now beyond politics. It’s about protecting our beloved country. Let us all remain vigilant and choose peace over chaos,” Ali said.

Former Machakos Senator Johnson Muthama also condemned the acts of destruction and vandalism and called on the police to identify the individuals and ensure they face justice.

“It is unfortunate that what started as peaceful protests has now been hijacked by opportunists and goons who are looting, creating mayhem, and destroying property and infrastructure. This has undermined the genuine protestors and their agenda,” Muthama said on X.

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