Ruto fails to nominate Attorney General, EAC Cabinet Secretary

Former AG Justin Muturi has since been nominated as the CS for Public Service.

In Summary
  • Ruto has so far nominated 21 out of 23 individuals to head respective dockets in his government.

  • The President had previously dissolved his Cabinet saying the affairs of the ministries will be coordinated by Principal Secretaries until a definitive Cabinet is formed
President WIlliam Ruto
President WIlliam Ruto
Image: PCS

President William Ruto on Wednesday named the remaining nominees to his new broad-based government.

Ruto has so far nominated 21 out of 23 individuals to head respective dockets in his government.

The Head of State has however not given names nominated to the office of the Attorney General and the Cabinet Secretary for the Ministry of East African Community, Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs), and Regional Development.

Said offices were previously headed by Justin Muturi as the Attorney General and Peninah Malonza in the Ministry of East Africa Community.

Muturi has since been nominated as the Cabinet Secretary for Public Service.

The President had previously dissolved his Cabinet saying the affairs of the ministries will be coordinated by Principal Secretaries until a definitive Cabinet is put in place.

The Head of State said the new Cabinet will be named after extensive consultations across all sectors.

"The operations of government will continue uninterrupted under the guidance of Principal Secretaries and other relevant officials," he said.

Ruto dissolved the Cabinet after weeks of protests led by the young generation in the country.

The protests evolved into a call for accountability in government with both elected and appointed public servants being put on notice over their conduct.

After days of sustained pressure, President Ruto was convinced, to reconsider his stand on the Finance Bill that would have seen Kenyans dig deeper in their pockets to fund government operations.

He rejected the Bill, asking Parliament to withdraw it in its entirety.

The young people later came up with more demands that they wanted to be addressed by the government.

Top of the list posted online and designated “non-negotiable" was the call for the Executive to obey all court orders and scrap the illegal and illegitimate Chief Administrative Secretary position.

Ruto later announced that he had suspended the recruitment of CAS officers.

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