Song and dance after Meru MCAs impeach Governor Mwangaza

They rose from their seats and started singing to Reuben Kigame’s song 'Enda Nasi'.

In Summary
  • Mwangaza was ousted after 49 MCAs voted to support the ouster motion against 17 who voted to save her.

  • MCA Zipporah Kinya moved the impeachment motion accusing Mwangaza of gross violations of the constitution, gross misconduct and abuse of office.

Meru MCAs in song and dance after impeaching Governor Kawira Mwangaza on August 8, 2024.
Meru MCAs in song and dance after impeaching Governor Kawira Mwangaza on August 8, 2024.

Song and dance dominated the Meru County Assembly Thursday afternoon after members voted to impeach Governor Kawira Mwangaza for the third time.

MCAs were seen singing praise and worship songs immediately the speaker proclaimed the impeachment motion successful.

“The Ayes have it and the motion is passed and the governor stands impeached by the County Assembly of Meru,” the speaker ruled.

The MCAS rose from their seats and started singing to Evangelist Reuben Kigame’s song 'Enda Nasi'.

“Mioyo yetu twaleta mbele zako, tutakase na utembee nasi. Tutavua, mapambo yetu, vitu vyote vya dhamani kwetu, mioyo yetu twaleta mbele zako tutakase na utembee nasi,” they sang.

Mwangaza was ousted after 49 MCAs voted to support the ouster motion against 17 who voted to save her.

Three members failed to avail themselves at the assembly for the impeachment vote.

This becomes the third time in two years Mwangaza has been impeached.

She was saved on the first two occassions by the Senate which said there was lack of sufficient evidence.

Mwangaza will now await the Senate's decision again to know whether or not accusations levelled against her will be approved by the legislators.

Nominated MCA Zipporah Kinya moved the latest impeachment motion.

She accused Mwangaza of three counts: gross violations of the constitution and other laws, gross misconduct and abuse of office.

In the gross violation of the constitution and other laws, Kinya said Mwangaza illegally revoked the appointment of Virginia Kawira as the secretary of the county public service board.

"It is only the county assembly who have the mandate to revoke the appointment of the secretary to the County Public Service Board," she said.

The deputy majority leader said Mwangaza also failed to appoint the chairpersons of the Meru County Revenue Board, Meru Microfinance Corporation, Meru Youth Service Board, and Meru County Investment and Development Corporation Board as required by law thus failing to operationalise the said Boards.

She went ahead to claim that Mwangaza refused to implement the recommendations and resolutions of the County Assembly requiring her to dismiss the County Secretary, Kiambi Athiru Thambura, and the Chief of Staff, Harrison Gatobu Nchamba Mbithi, from office for gross violation of the constitution.

She alleged that county secretary Athiru and chief of staff  Gatobu have also been illegally hiring and firing staff but Mwangaza did not take any action.

Still on the count of gross violation of the constitution and other laws, Kinya accused Mwangaza of usurping the powers of the appointing authorities by illegally dismissing Dr Ntoiti (CEO of County Revenue Board), Paul Mwaki (CEO of Liquor Board), Kenneth Kimathi Mbae (Managing Director of Meru Microfinance Corporation) and Joseph Kithure Mberia (CEO, MEWASS) contrary to section 9 (7)(b) of the Meru County Revenue Board Act and section 10(6) of the Meru County Investment and Development Corporation Act.

As a result of the action, Kinya said the County Government of Meru has been slapped with costs and damages amounting to Sh4 million by the Employment and Labour Relations Court.

On gross misconduct, the nominated MCA alleged that Mwangaza lied to the public saying that the fundraiser for the family of deceased Daniel Muthiani popularly known as Sniper raised Sh86m.

"The governor of Meru was in the media saying that Sh86 million was raised while only Sh286,000 was fundraised. This forced the deceased wife to be insecure as she feared she might be attacked by robbers," she said.

Kinya said the county boss deliberately and knowingly misled the public by giving false information that Sh86m had been raised through the Paybill number 247247 Account Number 0400163917899 established after Sniper's murder while the correct position was that only Sh286,516 was raised.

This, Kinya said,  violates the moral and ethical requirements expected of state officers, contrary to section 19 of the Public Officer Ethics Act and section 29 of the Leadership and Integrity Act.

On abuse of office, Kinya said according to the Auditors General's report, the governor Mwangaza employed 111 workers including 79 cleaners in the office yet they are not visible.

The workers are paid using the manual payroll.

She went on to allege that Mwangaza paid Christus Manyara, a public communication officer with Meru county, his full salary yet he was in remand.

She said Manyara is a suspect linked to Sniper's murder.

"For Meru to get justice, good leadership, good healthcare, good roads and other developments, Mwangaza must go," Kinya said as she moved the motion for debate.

Minority leader Mwenda Ithili (Athwana ward) seconded the impeachment motion.

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